Søk: 'Nordic Folklore: Recent Studies'
Discovering Design: Explorations in Design Studies
ISBN 9780226078151 , 1995 , Richard Buchanan, Victor Margolin
Shakespeare and the Supernatural: A Brief Study of Folklore, Superstition, and Witchcraft in Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream and the Tempest
ISBN 9781428640177 , 2006 , Margaret Lucy, William Jaggard
The democratic challenge to capitalism: management and democracy in the nordic countries
ISBN 9788276747645 , 2001 , Haldor Byrkjeflot, Sissel Myklebust,m.fl.
Conversation Analysis: Studies from the First Generation
ISBN 9789027253682 , 2004 , Gene H. Lerner
Scandinavian design beyond the myth: fifty years of design from the Nordic countries
ISBN 9789185213306 , 2007 , Widar Halén, Gabor Palotai Design,m.fl.
International development studies: theories and methods in research and practice
ISBN 9781412929455 , 2008 , Andrew Sumner, Michael A. Tribe
English for Business Studies Audio Cassette Set (2 Cassettes): A Course for Business Studies and Economics Students
ISBN 9780521752879 , 2002 , Ian Mackenzie
Offshore Risk Assessment: Principles, Modelling and Applications of QRA Studies
ISBN 9781849966450 , 2010 , Jan Erik Vinnem
Research Methods In Business Studies: A Practical Guide
ISBN 9780273681564 , 2005 , Pervez N. Ghauri, Kjell Grønhaug
Sociological Studies of Child Development: 1992
ISBN 9781559384803 , 1993 , Peter Adler, Patricia A. Adler
The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415905190 , 1993 , Henry Abelove, Michele Alna Barale,m.fl.
Project Management 8e and Case Studies Set
ISBN 9780471281603 , 2003 , 8. utgave , Harold R. Kerzner
Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions
ISBN 9781577180012 , 2000 , Edward W. Soja
????????: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets
ISBN 9780072493689 , 2003 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Frederick S. Hillier,m.fl.
Introduction to Management Science: Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets
ISBN 9780078024061 , 2013 , Frederick S. Hillier
Intellectual disabilities in the Nordic welfare states: policies and everyday life
ISBN 9788276340556 , 1996 , Guri Dyrendahl, Jan Tøssebro, Anders Gustavsson
AS/A2 PE/Sport Studies: Sports Psychology Workbook
ISBN 9781844897346 , 2007 , R. James
Programme Notes: Case Studies for Locating Experimental Theatre
ISBN 9780954604042 , 2007
Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach, Second Edition
ISBN 9780333972472 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis, Warwick Mules
Towards a new concept of local self-government?: recent local government legislation in comparative perspective
ISBN 9788276745825 , 2000 , Erik Amnå, Stig Montin
The Nordic languages and modern linguistics: 9, proceedings of the ninth International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics, University of Oslo, January 11-12, 1995
ISBN 9788270992676 , 1996 , Arne Torp, Nordisk språksekretariat,m.fl.
Revenue Management and Pricing: Case Studies and Applications
ISBN 9781844800629 , 2004 , Ian Yeoman, Una McMahon-Beattie
The Aesthetics of Cultural Studies: An Anthropological Reader
ISBN 9780631223061 , 2004 , Michael Bérubé
A Defence of Virgini: (and Through Her, of the South) in Recent and Pending Contests Against the Se
ISBN 9781110059836 , 2009 , Robert Lewis Dabney
A Defence of Virgini: (and Through Her, of the South) in Recent and Pending Contests Against the Se
ISBN 9781110059850 , 2009 , Robert Lewis Dabney
Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets
ISBN 9780071289313 , 2010 , Frederick S. Hillier, Mark S. Hillier
Reception Study: From Literary Theory to Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780415926508 , 2001 , James L. Machor, Philip Goldstein
Studies in the Way of Words
ISBN 9780674852716 , 1991 , Paul Grice
Offshore Risk Assessment Vol 2: Principles, Modelling and Applications of QRA Studies
ISBN 9781447152125 , 2013 , Jan Erik Vinnem
British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity
ISBN 9780198742067 , 2001 , David (1949- ). Morley, Profesor Kevin Robins