Søk: 'Political Philosophy: The Essential Texts'
Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science
ISBN 9781573922401 , 1998
What is Philosophy?
ISBN 9780231079891 , 1996 , Gilles Deleuze, Graham Burchell, Hugh Tomlinson,m.fl.
Your Undergraduate Dissertation: The Essential Guide for Success
ISBN 9780761941408 , 2004 , Nicholas Walliman
The Philosophy of Action: An Introduction
ISBN 9780745607474 , 1990 , Carlos J Moya, Wouter Wieling
Political Thought
ISBN 9780192892782 , 1999 , Michael Rosen, Jonathan Wolff
Green Political Thought
ISBN 9780415403528 , 2007 , Andrew Dobson
Elements of the Philosophy of the Mind, and of Moral Philosophy: To Which Is Prefixed a Compendium of Logic
ISBN 9781142633813 , 2010 , Thomas Belsham
The Violence of Development: The Political Economy of Gender
ISBN 9781842772072 , 2003 , Karin Kapadia
Essential Surgery: Problems, Diagnosis, and Management
ISBN 9780702046742 , 2013 , Joanna B. Reed, Clive R. G. Quick,m.fl.
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
ISBN 9780123943989 , 2013 , Brian D. Hahn, Daniel T. Valentine
Philosophy of Language
ISBN 9781857284706 , 1998 , Alex Miller
An Introduction to the Old Testament: Sacred Texts and Imperial Contexts of the Hebrew Bible
ISBN 9781444319958 , 2010 , David M. Carr
An Introduction to the Old Testament: Sacred Texts and Imperial Contexts of the Hebrew Bible
ISBN 9781405184687 , 2010 , David M. Carr
Essential Medical Genetics
ISBN 9780865426665 , 1997 , James Michael Connor,m.fl.
An Introduction to Political Communication
ISBN 9780415596442 , 2011 , Brian McNair
A Companion to the Philosophy of Language
ISBN 9780631213260 , 1999 , Bob Hale, Crispin Wright
The Principia Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy /
ISBN 9780520088177 , 1999 , Sir Isaac Newton, Anne Whitman, Julia Budenz
The Philosophy of Social Science: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521447805 , 1994 , Martin Hollis
The Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521312509 , 1986 , Peter Smith, O. R. Jones
Essential DC/DC Converters
ISBN 9780849372384 , 2005 , Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye
Twentieth-Century German Philosophy
ISBN 9780192893093 , 2000 , Paul Gorner
Essential Surgery: Problems, Diagnosis & Management
ISBN 9780443103452 , 2007 , H.George Burkitt, Clive R.G. Quick,m.fl.
The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks
ISBN 9780975841983 , 2007 , Rachel Andrew
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Texts and Contexts
ISBN 9780333763964 , 1999 , William Shakespeare, Gail Kern Paster
Philosophy Beyond Borders: An Anthology of Norwegian Philosophy
ISBN 9788279070009 , 1997 , Gunnar Skirbekk, Ragnar Fjelland
Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age
ISBN 9780691146232 , 2010 , Larry M. Bartels
Rhetorical Argumentation in Biblical Texts: Essays from the Lund 2000 Conference
ISBN 9781563383557 , 2002 , Thomas H. Olbricht, Anders Eriksson,m.fl.
The Medieval Craft of Memory: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures
ISBN 9780812236767 , 2002 , Mary Jean Carruthers, Dr Jan M Ziolkowski
An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
ISBN 9780199642625 , 2013 , William Godwin
Principled Agents?: The Political Economy of Good Government
ISBN 9780199283910 , 2007 , Timothy Besley