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Mobilizing Place, Placing Mobility: The Politics of Representation in a Globalized World
ISBN 9789042011441 , 2003 , Tim Cresswell, Ginette Verstraete
Language Development
ISBN 9781444331462 , 2012 , Patricia Brooks, Vera Kempe
Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture
ISBN 9783038215127 , 2014 , Christian Borch, Juhani Pallasmaa, Gernot Bohme
Catching language: the standing challenge of grammar writing
ISBN 9783110186031 , 2006 , Nicholas Evans, Felix K. Ameka,m.fl.
Foundations of Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780521136792 , 2009 , Kenneth Newton
The New Shape of World Politics: Contending Paradigms in International Relations
ISBN 9780465001712 , 1998 , Fareed Zakaria, James F. Hoge
The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa
ISBN 9780813348650 , 2013 , Bernard Reich, Mark Gasiorowski
Language and the Internet
ISBN 9780521868594 , 2006 , David Crystal
Cotton is the mother of poverty: peasants, work, and rural struggle in colonial Mozambique, 1938-1961
ISBN 9780435089788 , 1995 , Allen F. Isaacman
The Sounds of Language: An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
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Art, Religion, and Politics in Medieval China: The Dunhuang Cave of the Zhai Family
ISBN 9780824827038 , 2004 , Qiang Ning
Essential Readings in World Politics
ISBN 9780393931143 , 2007 , Karen A. Mingst, Jack L. Snyder
African Politics: Beyond the Third Wave of Democratisation
ISBN 9780702177361 , 2008 , Joelien Pretorius
Collective action in the European Union: interests and the new politics of associability
ISBN 9780415159746 , 1997
A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Vol. 4
ISBN 9781425535629 , 2006 , John Payne Collier
A Companion to the Philosophy of Language
ISBN 9780631213260 , 1999 , Bob Hale, Crispin Wright
The Frameworks of English: Introducing Language Structures
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Introduction to Politics of the Developing World
ISBN 9780618214471 , 2004 , Mark Kesselman, William A. Joseph, Joel Krieger
A Grammar of the Balinese Language
ISBN 9780950532240 , 1981 , Charles Clyde Barber, University of Aberdeen
English With An Accent: Language, Ideology and Discrimination in the United States
ISBN 9780415559119 , 2011 , Rosina Lippi-Green
Security and politics in the Nordic area
ISBN 9780566050350 , 1987 , John Fitzmaurice
Feminism and Post-Colonial Theory
ISBN 9780748613502 , 2003 , Reina Lewis
Blackwell Handbook of Language Development
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The Global Politics of Educational Borrowing and Lending
ISBN 9780807744932 , 2004 , Gita Steiner-Khamsi
After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent Statest
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Choosing Europe?: The European Elecorate and National Politics in the Face of Union
ISBN 9780472103577 , 1996 , Mark N. Franklin, Cees Van Der Eijk
The Java Programming Language
ISBN 9780321349804 , 2005 , David Holmes, Ken Arnold, James Gosling
The Spoken Language Translator
ISBN 9780521038829 , 2007 , Manny Rayner, Vassilis Digalakis, Mats Wiren,m.fl.
A Dictionary of the English Language: An Anthology
ISBN 9780141441573 , 2006 , David Crystal, Samuel Johnson
The Politics of Consumption: Material Culture and Citizenship in Europe and America
ISBN 9781859734711 , 2001 , Martin J. Daunton, Matthew Hilton