Søk: 'Sequences: Intermediate French Through Film'
French Lessons: Adventures with Knife, Fork, and Corkscrew
ISBN 9780375713323 , 2002 , Peter Mayle
Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation
ISBN 9780631230540 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
Logistics Management and Strategy: Competing Through the Supply Chain
ISBN 9780273730224 , 2010 , Alan Harrison, Remko Van Hoek
Timesaver phrasal verbs and idioms (pre-intermediate - advanced)
ISBN 9788203309779 , 2002 , Peter Dainty
Market Leader: Course Book. Upper-Intermediate Business English / ...
ISBN 9780582507203 , 2002 , David Cotton
Skyt en film: praktisk filmarbeid
ISBN 9788205273801 , 2001 , Mia Lindrup, Turid Marthinsen
Last Orders. Film Tie-In.
ISBN 9780330489096 , 2001 , Graham Swift
Longman English grammar practice : for intermediate students
ISBN 9780582045880 , 1990 , L. G. Alexander
Adult education through world collaboration
ISBN 9780894648281 , 1995 , Beverly Benner Cassara, Francisco Vio Grossi
The Major Film Theories
ISBN 9780195019919 , 1976 , J.Dudley Andrew
A Scramble Through the Hills to Cashmere
ISBN 9781147106589 , 2010 , William Frederick A. Colman
A Trip to China: An Intermediate Reader of Modern Chinese
ISBN 9780691153094 , 2011 , Chih-P'Ing Chou, Der-Lin Chao, Chen Gao
Embodied visions: evolution, emotion, culture, and film
ISBN 9780195371314 , 2009 , Torben Grodal
Embodied visions: evolution, emotion, culture, and film
ISBN 9780195371321 , 2009 , Torben Grodal
Cinematic Illuminations: The Middle Ages on Film
ISBN 9780801893445 , 2009 , Laurie A. Finke, Martin B. Shichtman
Market Leader Upper Intermediate Coursebook/Class CD/Multi-Rom Pack
ISBN 9781405881395 , 2008 , Lewis Lansford, David Cotton, Rogers John
The French Revolution: From Its Origins to 1793
ISBN 9780415253932 , 2001 , Gary Kates, Georges Lefebvre
Fra glansbilde til antihelt: Jesus på film
ISBN 9788254310144 , 2005 , Kjartan Leer-Salvesen
A Companion to Literature and Film
ISBN 9781405177559 , 2007 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
Ethics and Game Design: Teaching Values Through Play
ISBN 9781615208456 , 2010 , Karen Schrier
Lov om film og videogram (Film- og videogramloven) (Lov av 15.05.1987 nr. 21)
ISBN 9788205320468 , 2003 , Beate Jacobsen
American psycho (film tie-in)
ISBN 9780330484770 , 2000 , Bret Easton Ellis
Chocolat: Das Buch Zum Film
ISBN 9780552998932 , 2000 , Joanne Harris
A History of Early Film
ISBN 9780415211512 , 2000 , Stephen Herbert
A Companion to Literature and Film
ISBN 9780631230533 , 2004 , Robert Stam, Alessandra Raengo
ISBN 9780521787390 , 2000 , Eckehard Schulz, Wolfgang Reuschel, Gunther Krahl
Living History Museums: Undoing History Through Performance
ISBN 9780810858657 , 2007 , Scott Magelssen
Western Wanderings and Saunterings Through Picturesque Colorado
ISBN 9781103732357 , 2009 , Emma Abott Gage
Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, Second Edition
ISBN 9781598633603 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Michael Dawson, Mike Dawson
Mediekunnskap 4; film og fjernsyn
ISBN 9788256243990 , 1999 , Tove Cecilie Sverdrup