Søk: 'The Experience Economy'
The new economy - drøm eller virkelighet?: SNF årbok 2000
ISBN 9788276747034 , 2000 , Stiftelsen for samfunns- og næringslivsforskning,m.fl.
Applied Project Management: Experience from Exploitation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
ISBN 9788251907309 , 1986 , Asbjørn Rolstadås, Per Willy Hetland,m.fl.
Capitalism, not globalism: capital mobility, central bank independence, and the political control of the economy
ISBN 9780472112937 , 2003 , William Roberts Clark
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity
ISBN 9780860917854 , 1983
Cultural economy: cultural analysis and commercial life
ISBN 9780761959922 , 2002 , Paul Du Gay, Michael Pryke
Cultural Economy: Cultural Analysis and Commercial Life
ISBN 9780761959939 , 2002 , Paul Du Gay, Michael Pryke
Are skills the answer?: the political economy of skill creation in advanced industrial countries
ISBN 9780198294382 , 1999 , Colin Crouch, David Finegold, Mari Sako
The End of Oil: The Decline of the Petroleum Economy and the Rise of a New Energy Order
ISBN 9780747570752 , 2004 , Paul C. Roberts
Economy/Society: Markets, Meanings, and Social Structure
ISBN 9780761986416 , 2000 , Bruce G. Carruthers
Celluloid wars: a guide to film and the American experience of war
ISBN 9780313260995 , 1992 , Frank Joseph Wetta, Stephen J. Curley
Genres of the Credit Economy: Mediating Value in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain
ISBN 9780226675336 , 2008 , Mary Poovey
Introduction to International Political Economy
ISBN 9780131293656 , 1979 , Stephen L. Snover, Mark A. Spikell
Debates in International Political Economy
ISBN 9780205060610 , 1978 , Thomas H. Oatley
The Economic Legacy of Hyman Minski: Financial fragility and investment in the capitalism economy
ISBN 9781840643589 , 2001 , Riccardo Bellofiore, Piero Ferri, Riccardo Ferri
The Political Economy of Environment and Development in a Globalised World: Exploring the Frontiers: Essays in Honour of Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam
ISBN 9788251927864 , 2011 , Darley Jose Kjosavik, Paul Vedeld
An Open Economy Macroeconomics Reader: A Reader
ISBN 9780415253321 , 2001 , Mehmet Ugur
Group Communication Pitfalls: Overcoming Barriers to an Effective Group Experience
ISBN 9781412915359 , 2006 , Paul D. Turman, John Orville Burtis
Accounting for the Global Economy: Measuring World Trade and Investment Linkages
ISBN 9780333730997 , 1998 , Joke Luttik
A history of the world economy: international economic relations since 1850
ISBN 9780745009353 , 1995 , James Foreman-Peck
Children and the Dark Side of Human Experience: Confronting Global Realities and Rethinking Child Development
ISBN 9780387756257 , 2008 , James Garbarino
A Passage to Anthropology: Between Experience and Theory
ISBN 9780415129237 , 1995 , Kirsten Hastrup
End of Millennium, Volume III: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture
ISBN 9780631221395 , 2000 , Manuel Castells
A Critical Rewriting of Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780415314381 , 2003 , V.Spike Peterson
Domination and Conquest: The Experience of Ireland, Scotland and Wales, 1100-1300
ISBN 9780521380690 , 1990 , R. R. Davies
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy: The Process of Capitalist Production As a Whole
ISBN 9781605200095 , 2007 , Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy - Vol. II: The Process of Circulation of Capital
ISBN 9781605200088 , 2007 , Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Group communication pitfalls: overcoming barriers to an effective group experience
ISBN 9781412915342 , 2005 , Paul D. Turman, John Orville Burtis
A Passage to Anthropology: Between Experience and Theory
ISBN 9780415129220 , 1995 , Kirsten Hastrup
Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy
ISBN 9781853839313 , 2002 , Ruth Pearson, Gill Seyfang, Richard Howitt,m.fl.
The Significance of Monuments: On the Shaping of Human Experience in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe
ISBN 9780415152044 , 1998 , Richard Bradley