Søk: 'A Better World'
Climate Policy in a Globalizing World: A CGE Model with Capital Mobility and Trade
ISBN 9783540443759 , 2002
Another World is Possible
ISBN 9781845537319 , 2009 , Marjorie Lewis, Dwight N Hopkins
Berlitz Student World Atlas
ISBN 9789812687012 , 2009 , Berlitz International, Incorporated
FPGAs: World Class Designs
ISBN 9781856176217 , 2009
A world growing old: the coming health care challenges
ISBN 9780878406326 , 1995 , Daniel Callahan, Ruud H. J. Ter Meulen,m.fl.
The third world war : a terrifying novel of global conflict
ISBN 9780330492492 , 2003 , Humphrey Hawksley
Thought in a Hostile World: The Evolution of Human Cognition
ISBN 9780631188865 , 2003 , Kim Sterelny
Inequalities of the World
ISBN 9781844670154 , 2006 , Goran Therborn
Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures: Living and Working in a Changing World
ISBN 9781412903660 , 2006 , Peter K. Smith, Michael Harris Bond,m.fl.
The Spirit Level: Why Equality Is Better for Everyone. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
ISBN 9780141032368 , 2010 , Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett
Internet and World Wide Web
ISBN 9780136035428 , 2009 , Paul J. Deitel
Globalization and belonging: the politics of identity in a changing world
ISBN 9780742516786 , 2003 , Sheila L. Croucher
Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World
ISBN 9781292000008 , 2013 , Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider, Ramesh Behl,m.fl.
World Reference Atlas.
ISBN 9780753703106 , 2002 , Philip's
Contemporary World: Architecture
ISBN 9780714842035 , 2002 , Hugh Pearman
Calculus 1: A complete course
ISBN 9781783653980 , 2013 , 8. utgave , Adams, Essex
Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World
ISBN 9780415266963 , 2004 , Diane Perrons
The Great Shift: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond
ISBN 9781578634576 , 2008 , Lee Carroll, Tom Kenyon, Patricia Cori
The Rise of the Networking Region: The Challenges of Regional Collaboration in a Globalized World
ISBN 9781409425830 , 2011 , Harald Baldersheim, Morten Ogard
The origins of the modern world: a global and ecological narrative
ISBN 9780742517530 , 2002
Governing the World: The History of an Idea
ISBN 9780141011936 , 2013 , Mark Mazower
A History of World Societies: Volume C: From 1775 to the Present
ISBN 9780618918317 , 2007 , John Buckler, Patricia Buckley Ebrey,m.fl.
The World is Flat: a Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780312425074 , 2007 , Thomas L. Friedman
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
ISBN 9780596527341 , 2006 , Louis Rosenfeld
God Made the World
ISBN 9780825439148 , 2008 , Michael A. Vander Klipp
Islam in the World
ISBN 9781862079069 , 2006 , Malise Ruthven
Shaping the Humanitarian World
ISBN 9780415773713 , 2008 , Peter Walker, Daniel G. Maxwell
Cod: A Biography of the Fish Taht Changed the World
ISBN 9780099268703 , 1999 , Mark Kurlansky
What is World Literature?
ISBN 9780691049861 , 2003
The Impact of Japan on a Changing World
ISBN 9789622013711 , 1982 , Ezra F. Vogel