Søk: 'A Conquering Spirit: Fort Mims and the Redstick War of 1813-1814'
Test by Fire: The War Presidency of George W. Bush
ISBN 9780230600997 , 2008 , Robert Swansbrough
A Young People's History of the United States, Volume 2: Class Struggle to the War on Terror
ISBN 9781583227602 , 2007 , Howard Zinn, Ph.D., Rebecca Stefoff
The Color of the Law: Race, Violence, and Justice in the Post-World War II South
ISBN 9780807848029 , 1999 , Gail Williams O'Brien
Norge i dansketiden: 1380-1814
ISBN 9788202123697 , 1989 , Sverre Bagge, Knut Mykland
Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Second World War: The Loss of White Prestige
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All for a Shilling a Day: The Story of H. M. 16th, the Queen's Lancers, During the First Sikh War 1845 - 1846
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All for a Shilling a Day: The Story of H. M. 16th, the Queen's Lancers, During the First Sikh War 1845 - 1846
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The Tool of Screenwriting: A Writers Guide to the Craft and Elements of A Screenplay
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Norges landbrukshistorie: 1814-1920 : kontinuitet og modernitet
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Croatia: A Nation Forged in War
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A Blockaded Family - Life in Southern Alabama During the Civil War
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Kritikk foer 1814: 1700-tallets politiske og litteraere offentlighet
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The color of the law: race, violence, and justice in the post-World War II South
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Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
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Nuer Dilemmas: Coping With Money, War, and the State
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China and the Taiwan Issue: Impending War at Taiwan Strait
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Den vanskelige frihet: Norge 1814-1850
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Collateral Damage: The Psychological Consequences of America's War on Terrorism
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