Søk: 'American Cities and Technology: Wilderness to Wired city'
Youth, Otherness and the Plural City: Modes of Belonging and Social Life
ISBN 9789171732347 , 2005 , Mette Andersson, Yngve Georg Lithman,m.fl.
The City-State of the Greeks and Romans: A Survey, Introductory to the Study of Ancient History
ISBN 9781144518880 , 2010 , William Warde Fowler
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Third Edition
ISBN 9781439808214 , 2009 , 3. utgave , P.J. Fellows
Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology
ISBN 9780072424195 , 2000 , Mona J. Fitzsimmons, James A. Fitzsimmons
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780135963548 , 1990 , P.J. Fellows
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation
ISBN 9781845451172 , 2006 , Helga Nowotny
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation
ISBN 9781845451165 , 2006 , Helga Nowotny
Advances in Fatigue Science and Technology
ISBN 9780792301059 , 1989 , C.Moura Branco, L.Guerra Rosa
American public policy: promise and performance
ISBN 9781568029061 , 2004 , B. Guy Peters
American Poetry and Prose
ISBN 9780395044605 , 1970 , Norman Foerster
Hong Kong & Macau.: City Guide.
ISBN 9781740594486 , 2004 , Steve Fallon, Stephen Fallon
Understanding American Politics and Government, 2010 Update Edition
ISBN 9780205798308 , 2010 , John J. Coleman, Kenneth M. Goldstein,m.fl.
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: To 1920
ISBN 9780395938843 , 2000 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling
ISBN 9780130850379 , 2000 , James D. Plummer, Michael D. Deal,m.fl.
Billmeyer and Saltzman's principles of color technology
ISBN 9780471194590 , 2000 , Fred W. Billmeyer, Roy S. Berns
American soldier
ISBN 9780060731588 , 2004 , Tommy Franks, Malcolm McConnell
Biofuels Engineering Process Technology
ISBN 9780071487498 , 2008 , Terry Walker, John Nghiem
Desktop Audio Technology: Digital Audio and MIDI Principles
ISBN 9780240519197 , 2003 , Francis Rumsey
British and American English Pronunciation
ISBN 9788200225621 , 1996 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415481618 , 2009
Making technology our own?: domesticating technology into everyday life
ISBN 9788200227588 , 1996 , Knut H. Sørensen, Merete Lie
Electronic Imaging Technology
ISBN 9780819430373 , 1999 , Edward R. Dougherty
How Information Technology is Conquering the World
ISBN 9780810887206 , 2012 , Kai A. Olsen
Acting with technology: activity theory and interaction design
ISBN 9780262112987 , 2006 , Victor Kaptelinin, Bonnie A. Nardi
American Heart Association Family Guide to Stroke: Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention
ISBN 9780812920116 , 1994 , Louis R Caplan, M.D., Mark L. Dyken,m.fl.
Studyguide for Cities and Urban Life by Macionis & Parrillo, ISBN 9780131113954: 013111395x
ISBN 9781428816152 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, John J. Macionis,m.fl.
American Art Deco: Architecture and Regionalism
ISBN 9780393019704 , 2003
Geocenter City Maps: New York
ISBN 9783575032423 , 2003 , GeoCenter International, Limited,m.fl.
ISBN 9789812348074 , 2003 , Martha Ellen Zenfell
American Art, American Vision
ISBN 9780295973128 , 1990