Søk: 'American Federalism: How the System Works'
American masterworks: the twentieth century house
ISBN 9780847818945 , 1995
A System of Rights
ISBN 9780198292937 , 1997 , Rex Martin
The Norton Anthology of American Literature 6e V D
ISBN 9780393979008 , 6. utgave
The Works of Charles Babbage: The analytical engine and mechanical notation
ISBN 9781851960057 , 1989 , Martin Campbell-Kelly, Charles Babbage
Gendering American politics: perspectives from the literature
ISBN 9780321090867 , 2005 , Sarah Brewer, Michael Fisher
Joe Jones: Radical Painter of the American Scene
ISBN 9780891780946 , 2010 , Andrew Walker, Joe Jones, Debra Bricker Balken,m.fl.
How Children Develop: International Edition
ISBN 9781429253758 , 2010 , Robert S. Siegler, Nancy Eisenberg,m.fl.
How Humans Evolved
ISBN 9780393932713 , 2009 , Joan B. Silk, Robert Boyd (Ph. D.)
Behind the Legends: The Cult of Personality and Self-Presentation in the Literary Works of Stefan Heym
ISBN 9783039114191 , 2008
Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire
ISBN 9780143034797 , 2005
Staring: how we look
ISBN 9780195326802 , 2009
American Culture: An Anthology
ISBN 9780415360937 , 2007
OpenVMS Operating System Concepts
ISBN 9781555581572 , 1997 , David Donald Miller
American Legal English
ISBN 9780472003259 , 2008
Muslim American Youth
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Critical Infrastructures at Risk: Securing the European Electric Power System
ISBN 9781402043062 , 2006 , A.V. Gheorghe, M. Masera, L. De Vries,m.fl.
Operating System: Concepts And Techniques
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English pronunciation and intonation: British, American and World Englishes
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Guernsey on the Map: How the World Discovered the Bailiwick
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American Independent Cinema
ISBN 9781850439387 , 2005
American Independent Cinema
ISBN 9781850439370 , 2005
Adferd, teknologi og system: en sikkerhetshistorie
ISBN 9788251923125 , 2008 , Helge Ryggvik
Skulptur I Norge: Works from the Association of Norwegian Sculptors
ISBN 9788291861005 , 1997 , Gunnar Danbolt, Svein Olav Hoff, Marit Wiklund,m.fl.
American Prophecy: Race and Redemption in American Political Culture
ISBN 9780816630745 , 2008
American Labor Unions in the Electoral Arena
ISBN 9780847688654 , 2001 , Karen Snyder
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Maya Deren and the American Avant-garde
ISBN 9780520227323 , 2001 , Bill Nichols
Business Writing: What Works, What Won't
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The Bishops of the American Church, Past and Present: Sketches, Biographical and Bibliographical, of the Bishops of the American Church, with a Prelim
ISBN 9781141979967 , 2010 , William Stevens Perry
How to Read Ethnography
ISBN 9780415328678 , 2006 , Paloma Gay y Blasco,m.fl.