Søk: 'Applied Computational Intelligence in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems'
Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI'98, Brisbane, Australia, July 13-17, 1998 Selected Papers
ISBN 9783540651383 , 1998 , Grigoris Antoniou, John K. Slaney
Applied Isotope Hydrogeology: A Case Study in Northern Switzerland
ISBN 9780444889836 , 1991 , F. J. Pearson,m.fl.
Nonlinear Systems
ISBN 9780130673893 , 2001 , Hassan K. Khalil
A Computational Model of Natural Language Communication: Interpretation, Inference, and Production in Database Semantics
ISBN 9783540354765 , 2006 , Roland R. Hausser
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry
ISBN 9780470868829 , 2004 , Richard M. Pashley, Marilyn E. Karaman
Applied Psychology for Social Workers
ISBN 9781403945662 , 2006 , Paula Nicolson, Rowan Bayne, Jenny Owen
Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, Fifth Edition
ISBN 9780071375504 , 2004 , 5. utgave , Leon Shargel
Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials: Volume 1: Static and Quasi-Static Loading Volume 2: Dynamic Loading and Intelligent Material Systems
ISBN 9780792363552 , 2000
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation: Global Edition
ISBN 9780136094234 , 2009 , Naresh Malhotra, SPSS Inc.
Hydraulic Control Systems
ISBN 9780471693116 , 2005
Nonlinear Systems
ISBN 9780131227408 , 2002 , Hassan K. Khalil
Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science
ISBN 9783211299012
Database Management Systems
ISBN 9780071230575 , 2003 , Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke
Computer Integrated Electronics Manufacturing and Testing
ISBN 9780824778491 , 1989 , Jack H. Arabian
Applied Linear Regression Models
ISBN 9780071145589 , 1996 , Michael H. Kutner, John Neter,m.fl.
Applied Linear Regression Models
ISBN 9780256086010 , 1996 , John Neter, M. Kutner, C. Nachtsheim,m.fl.
Sustainable Intensification: Increasing Productivity in African Food and Agricultural Systems
ISBN 9781849713320 , 2011 , Jules N. Pretty, Stella Williams
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction
ISBN 9780321211033 , 2003 , Ralph P. Grimaldi
Advances in Econometrics: Bayesian Methods Applied to Time Series Data
ISBN 9781559389747 , 1996 , Thomas B. Fomby, R. Carter Hill,m.fl.
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
ISBN 9783540625414 , 1997 , Panos M. Pardalos, William W. Hager,m.fl.
Communication and Channel Systems in Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9781560245810 , 1994
Communication and Channel Systems in Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9781560245803 , 1994 , Daniel R. Fessenmaier
Applied Regression Including Computing and Graphics
ISBN 9780470317785 , 2009 , Sanford Weisberg, R. Dennis Cook
Modern Applied Statistics with S
ISBN 9780387954578 , 2003 , William N. Venables
Computational Approaches to Text Understanding: A Survey of Current Issues in Denmark
ISBN 9788772891811 , 1992 , Steen Jansen, Jorgen Olsen, Henrik Prebensen,m.fl.
An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis
ISBN 9780805863758 , 2008 , Tenko Raykov, George A. Marcoulides
Basic and Applied Memory Research: Theory in Context / Practical Applications
ISBN 9780805815405 , 1996 , Douglas J. Herrmann, Cathy McEvoy, Chris Hertzog,m.fl.
Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Manifolds in Dynamical Systems
ISBN 9780387942056 , 1994 , Stephen Wiggins, G. Haller, Igor Mezic
Explorations of Language Teaching and Learning with Computational Assistance
ISBN 9781466618558 , 2012
Multimedia Systems
ISBN 9783540408673 , 2004 , Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt