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Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691143279 , 2009
Power in the Changing Global Order: The US, Russia and China
ISBN 9780745634722 , 2012 , Martin A. Smith
The Big Picture: Money and Power in Hollywood
ISBN 9780812973822 , 2006 , Edward Epstein
Power Management ICs - A Top-Down Design Approach
ISBN 9781411663596 , 2006 , Prof. Gabriel Alfonso Rincon-Mora Ph.D.
The Politics of Life Itself: Biomedicine, Power, and Subjectivity in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780691121918 , 2006 , Nikolas Rose
The Prisoner Society: Power, Adaptation and Social Life in an English Prison
ISBN 9780199653546 , 2012 , Ben Crewe
Neoclassical Realism in European Politics: Bringing Power Back In
ISBN 9780719083525 , 2012 , Barbara Kunz
Political Power and Social Theory
ISBN 9780892322046 , 1982 , Gosta Esping- Andersen
Body of Power, Spirit of Resistance: The Culture and History of a South African People
ISBN 9780226114231 , 1985 , Jean Comaroff
Antitrust and the Bounds of Power: The Dilemma of Liberal Democracy in the History of the Market
ISBN 9781901362299 , 1997 , Giuliano Amato
Museum politics: power plays at the exhibition
ISBN 9780816619894 , 2002 , Timothy W. Luke
Medicine and Power in Tunisia, 1780-1900
ISBN 9780521529396 , 2002 , Roger Owen, Edmund Burke, Michael C. Hudson,m.fl.
A Regional Approach to Industrial Restructuring in the Tomsk Region, Russian Federation
ISBN 9789264161016 , 1998 , Centre for Co-operation with Non-members
Power transitions: strategies for the 21st century
ISBN 9781889119434 , 2001 , Ronald L. Tammen
Power and Politics in Project Management
ISBN 9781880410431 , 1997 , Jeffrey K. Pinto
Head first: the biology of hope and the healing power of the human spirit
ISBN 9780140139655 , 1990
Caste, class, and power: changing patterns of stratification in a Tanjore village
ISBN 9780195638479 , 1996 , Andre Beteille
Power electronics design [electronic resource]: a practitioner's guide
ISBN 9780750679275 , 2005 , Keith H. Sueker
Father Knows Best: The Use and Abuse of Power in Freud's Case of Dora
ISBN 9780807762677 , 1993 , Robin Tolmach Lakoff, James C. Coyne
State, Power & Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, 2nd Editio
ISBN 9780415196741 , 2000 , Roger Owen
Trust and power: two works
ISBN 9780471997580 , 1979 , Niklas Luhmann
As a Man Thinketh and from Poverty to Power
ISBN 9781452632247 , 2011 , Simon Prebble, Allen James
As a Man Thinketh and from Poverty to Power
ISBN 9781452652245 , 2011 , Simon Prebble, Allen James
As a Man Thinketh and from Poverty to Power
ISBN 9781452602240 , 2011 , Simon Prebble, Allen James
Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future
ISBN 9780199593743 , 2011 , Bob Everett, Godfrey Boyle, Stephen Peake,m.fl.
Researching 'Race' and Ethnicity: Methods, Knowledge and Power
ISBN 9780761972877 , 2003 , Yasmin Gunaratnam
Adapa and the South Wind: Language Has the Power of Lif and Death
ISBN 9781575060484 , 2001 , Sholomo Izreel
Presidential Power in Action: Implementing Supreme Court Detainee Decisions
ISBN 9780230603691 , 2008 , Darren A. Wheeler
International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration: Power, Security, and Community
ISBN 9780415214162 , 2000
Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780470044018 , 2007 , John Walkenbach