Søk: 'China in transition: communism, capitalism, and democracy'
Coming to Terms with the Nation: Ethnic Classification in Modern China
ISBN 9780520947634 , 2010
The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure, Principles and Ideology
ISBN 9780806131436 , 1999 , Mogens Herman Hansen
A question of rites: Friar Domingo Navarrete and the Jesuits in China
ISBN 9780859678803 , 1993 , J.S. Cummins
Politics in Developing Countries: Comparing Experiences With Democracy
ISBN 9781555875411 , 1995 , Seymour Martin Lipset, Larry Jay Diamond,m.fl.
Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
ISBN 9780007463404 , 2012 , Jung Chang
Electricity reform in China, India and Russia: the World Bank template and the politics of power
ISBN 9781843765004 , 2004 , Yi-Chong Xu
Making democracy work: civic traditions in modern Italy
ISBN 9780691037387 , 1994 , Robert D. Putnam, Robert Leonardi,m.fl.
Capitalism: With a New Postscript on the Financial Crisis and Its Aftermath
ISBN 9780745636481 , 2008 , Geoffrey Ingham
Electronic Voting and Democracy: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9781403936783 , 2004 , Norbert Kersting, Harald Baldersheim
Cyber China: Reshaping National Identities in the Age of Information
ISBN 9781403965783 , 2004 , Francoise Mengin
Bringing the world home: appropriating the West in late Qing and early Republican China
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Democracy in plural societies: a comparative exploration
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A Newspaper for China?: Power, Identity, and Change in Shanghai's News Media, 1872-1912
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Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy: The Post-Soviet Experience in Lithuania (HC)
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The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future
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Elusive equality: gender, citizenship, and the limits of democracy in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1950
ISBN 9780822942818 , 2006 , Melissa Feinberg
Building Global Democracy?: Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance
ISBN 9780521140553 , 2011
The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism
ISBN 9789780465018 , 1996 , Bellsnere
First in, last out: an unconventional British officer in Indo-China (1945-46 and 1972-76)
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Sowing the mustard seed: the struggle for freedom and democracy in Uganda
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China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, Settlement, Diplomacy, and Missions
ISBN 9780521179454 , 2010 , John E. Wills, John Cranmer-Byng,m.fl.
Administrative Reform in Post-Mao China: Efficiency Or Ethics
ISBN 9780761804994 , 1996 , Stephen K. Ma
Research Guide to Central Party and Government Meetings in China: 1949-1986
ISBN 9780873324922 , 1989 , Kenneth Lieberthal, Bruce J. Dickson
Reinventing India: Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy
ISBN 9780745620770 , 2000
Art, Religion, and Politics in Medieval China: The Dunhuang Cave of the Zhai Family
ISBN 9780824827038 , 2004 , Qiang Ning
Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle: Divination and Democracy
ISBN 9780521530811 , 2005
Democratization by Elections: A New Mode of Transition
ISBN 9780801893193 , 2009
Plurinational Democracy: Stateless Nations in a Post-Sovereignty Era
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Democracy Derailed in Russia: The Failure of Open Politics
ISBN 9780521618960 , 2005 , Joel S. Migdal, Peter Lange, Robert H. Bates,m.fl.
Screening China: critical interventions, cinematic reconfigurations, and the transnational imaginary in contemporary Chinese cinema
ISBN 9780892641581 , 2003 , Zhang Yingjin