Søk: 'Collected Papers I. The Problem of Social Reality'
The Quality of Government: Corruption, Social Trust, and Inequality in International Perspective
ISBN 9780226729572 , 2011 , Bo Rothstein
Social Psychology: Unraveling the Mystery
ISBN 9780205420483 , 2005 , Douglas T. Kenrick, Steven L. Neuberg,m.fl.
The Workhouse: A Social History
ISBN 9780712606370 , 2003 , Norman Longmate
Defining and Defying Organized Crime: Discourse, Perceptions and Reality
ISBN 9780415548526 , 2010 , Felia Allum, Francesca Longo, Panos A. Kostakos,m.fl.
Defining and Defying Organised Crime: Discourse, Perceptions and Reality
ISBN 9780203860342 , 2010 , Felia Allum, Francesca Longo, Panos A. Kostakos,m.fl.
DARE To Be You: A Systems Approach to the Early Prevention of Problem Behaviors
ISBN 9780306463938 , 2000 , Jan Miller-Heyl, David MacPhee, Janet J. Fritz
DARE To Be You: A Systems Approach to the Early Prevention of Problem Behaviors
ISBN 9780306463921 , 2000 , Jan Miller-Heyl, David MacPhee, Janet J. Fritz,m.fl.
Selvmord: et personlig og samfunnsmessig problem
ISBN 9788205280779 , 2006 , Nils Retterstøl, Øivind Ekeberg, Lars Mehlum
Strategies for Creative Problem-Solving
ISBN 9780131793187 , 1995 , H. Scott Fogler, Steven E. LeBlanc
Religion, the social context
ISBN 9780534169688 , 1991 , Meredith B. McGuire
Critical Reading: Making Sense of Papers in Life Sciences and Medicine
ISBN 9780415303224 , 2006 , Ben Yudkin
An Introduction to the Social History of Nursing
ISBN 9780415017862 , 1988 , Professor Robert Dingwall, Charles Webster
Psykologi i organisasjon og ledelse
ISBN 9788245014495 , 2015 , Geir Kaufmann, Astrid Kaufmann
Media and modernity - a social theory of the media
ISBN 9780745610054 , 1995 , John B. Thompson
Making Sense of Social Movements
ISBN 9780335206025 , 2002 , Nick Crossley
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming
ISBN 9780132162708 , 2011 , Walter J. Savitch, Kenrick Mock
Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies
ISBN 9780198742005 , 1999 , Gosta Esping-Andersen
Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies
ISBN 9780198742012 , 1999 , Gosta Esping-Andersen
A Structural Theory of Social Influence
ISBN 9780521030458 , 2006 , Noah E. Friedkin, Mark Granovetter
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java
ISBN 9780321312556 , 2006 , Mark Allen Weiss
Mathematical Thinking and Problem-Solving
ISBN 9780805809909 , 1994 , Alan H. Schoenfeld
American libraries and the Internet: the social construction of Web appropriation and use
ISBN 9781934043875 , 2008
Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges : The Social Technology of Presencing
ISBN 9781576757635 , 2009
Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781405159678 , 2011 , Zazie Todd, Anna Madill
Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life
ISBN 9780804752374 , 2009 , Helen F. Nissenbaum
The Dirty Girls Social Club
ISBN 9780099471561 , 2004 , Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez
Methodological Thinking: Basic Principles of Social Research Design
ISBN 9781412997201 , 2012 , Donileen R. Loseke
Law, Anthropology, and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things
ISBN 9780521539456 , 2004 , Alain Pottage, Martha Mundy, Chris Arup,m.fl.
AutoCAD 2006: A Problem Solving Approach
ISBN 9781418020415 , 2005 , Sham Tickoo
Autocad 2004: a problem solving approach
ISBN 9781401851330 , 2003 , Sham Tickoo