Søk: 'Constitution-making and democratisation in Africa'
Making Moral Decisions
ISBN 9780826453020 , 2000 , Holm, BOWKER
Writing for scholars: a practical guide to making sense and being heard
ISBN 9788215013916 , 2008 , Lynn P. Nygaard
Confronting Historical Paradigms: Peasants, Labor, and the Capitalist World System in Africa and Latin America
ISBN 9780299136840 , 1993 , Frederick Cooper, Allen F. Isaacman,m.fl.
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making
ISBN 9780761922759 , 2001 , Reid Hastie, Robyn M. Dawes
Antelopes: North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia
ISBN 9782831705941 , 2000 , David P. Mallon, Steven Charles Kingswood
African World Histories: Colonial Africa, 1884-1994
ISBN 9780199796397 , 2012 , Dennis Laumann
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases
ISBN 9780618124145 , 2002 , John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell, Odies C. Ferrell
Ghosts of Kanungu: Fertility, Secrecy & Exchange in the Great Lakes of East Africa
ISBN 9781847010094 , 2009 , Richard Vokes
A History of Africa
ISBN 9780415252478 , 2002 , John D. Fage, J. D. Fage William Tordoff
Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles
ISBN 9781846271557 , 2009 , Richard Dowden
Making Important News Interesting: Reporting Public Affairs in the 21st Century
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A Clinical Decision-Making Rule for Mild Head Injury in
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Matters of Life and Death: Making Moral Theory Work in Medical Ethics and the Law
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The End of Empire in French West Africa: France's Successful Decolonization?
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Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment: Making the Poor Central in Legal Development Co-Operation
ISBN 9789087280406 , 2008 , Ineke Van De Meene, Benjamin Van Rooij
Constitution of society - outline of the theory of structuration
ISBN 9780745600079 , 1986 , Anthony Giddens
Medieval Africa, 1250-1800
ISBN 9780521790246 , 2001 , Roland Oliver, Anthony Atmore
Into Africa : intercultural insights
ISBN 9781877864575 , 1998 , Yale Richmond, Phyllis Gestrin
China returns to Africa: a rising power and a continent embrace
ISBN 9781850658863 , 2008 , Chris Alden, Daniel Large,m.fl.
Africa at a Turning Point?: Growth, Aid, and External Shocks
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Making Sense of Human Rights
ISBN 9781405145350 , 2006 , James W. Nickel
Africa Can Compete!: Export Opportunities and Challenges for Garnments and Home Products in the European Market
ISBN 9780821334393 , 1996 , Tyler Biggs, M. Miller, C. Otto, G. Tyler
Management Accounting: Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution
ISBN 9780137024971 , 2011 , Robert S. Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson
Making change : nordic examples of working towards gender equality in the media
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Environmental politics in the European Union: policy-making, implementation and patterns of multi-level governance
ISBN 9780719075810 , 2007 , Christoph Knill, Duncan Liefferink
Environmental politics in the European Union: policy-making, implementation and patterns of multi-level governance
ISBN 9780719075803 , 2007 , Christoph Knill, Duncan Liefferink
Africa South of the Sahara
ISBN 9781857432664 , 2004
Making the Team: International Edition
ISBN 9780132479042 , 2010 , Leigh L. Thompson
A Model of Co-operative Education: On Peace Support Operations in Africa
ISBN 9783838301273 , 2010 , Pierre Juan de Montfort
Africa Shoots Back: Alternative Perspectives in Sub-Saharan Francophone African Film
ISBN 9780852555767 , 2003 , Melissa Thackway