Søk: 'Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy'
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy and Tactics
ISBN 9780314012203 , 1993 , R. Charles Moyer, James R. McGuigan
Competitive Strategy Dynamics
ISBN 9780471899495 , 2002 , Kim Warren
Design Management: Managing Design Strategy, Process and Implementation
ISBN 9782940373123 , 2006 , Kathryn Best
Consumer Credit in Europe: Risks and Opportunities of a Dynamic Industry
ISBN 9783790827842 , 2011
Strategy Synthesis: Resolving Strategy Paradoxes To Create Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9781861529657 , 2005 , Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer
Behaviour Analysis in Theory and Practice: Contributions and Controversies
ISBN 9780863771446 , 1990
Organizational Behaviour: An Introductory Text
ISBN 9780273682226 , 2004 , David A. Buchanan, Andrzej A. Huczynski
Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780071284608 , 2008 , William D. Perreault Jr., E. Jerome McCarthy,m.fl.
Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text Only
ISBN 9780470747100 , 2009 , Robert M. Grant
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy and Tactics
ISBN 9780314064332 , 1996 , 7. utgave , R. Charles Moyer, James R. McGuigan
Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Composites
ISBN 9783642092527 , 2010
Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Approach
ISBN 9781849201452 , 2010 , Chris Hackley
Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Approach
ISBN 9781849201469 , 2010 , Chris Hackley
Approved Marketing Plans for New Products and Services
ISBN 9781450262484 , 2010 , Ken K. Wong
Peacebuilding In Postconflict Societies: Strategy And Process
ISBN 9781588263117 , 2005 , Ho-Won Jeong
A Spiritual Strategy for Counseling and Psychotherapy
ISBN 9781591472544 , 2005 , P Scott Richards, PH.D.
Strategy: Process, Content, Context, An International Perspective
ISBN 9781408019023 , 2010 , Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer
Analysis for Strategic Marketing
ISBN 9780321001986
Business marketing management: B2B
ISBN 9780324581638 , 2010
Strategy: the logic of war and peace
ISBN 9780674007031 , 2002 , Edward N. Luttwak
What Is Strategy----And Does It Matter
ISBN 9781861523778 , 2000 , Richard Whittington
Textbook of Animal Behaviour, A
ISBN 9788126114078 , 2003 , Harjendra Singh
Cross-Cultural Behaviour in Tourism
ISBN 9780080490861 , 2003 , PhD Yvette Reisinger, Lindsay Turner
Elements of Multinational Strategy
ISBN 9783540744382 , 2007 , Keith Head
Strategy and Governance of Networks: Cooperatives, Franchising, and Strategic Alliances
ISBN 9783790820584 , 2008 , George Hendrikse
Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780199556601 , 2012 , Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim
The New Evolutionary Microeconomics: Complexity, Competence and Adaptative Behaviour
ISBN 9781840648959 , 2001 , Jason Potts
Organizational Behaviour Plus Companion Website Access Card
ISBN 9780273728597 , 2010 , David A. Buchanan, Andrzej A. Huczynski
The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 1650 to the Present
ISBN 9780521719254 , 2008 , Jan de Vries
Creative Arts Marketing
ISBN 9780750657372 , 2003 , Elizabeth Hill, Catherine O'Sullivan,m.fl.