Søk: 'Design Methods'
Graphic Design: The New Basics
ISBN 9781568987705 , 2008 , Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
ISBN 9780898715347 , 2003 , Yousef Saad
Chemical engineering design: principles, practice and economics of plant and process design
ISBN 9780750684231 , 2008 , R. K. Sinnott, Gavin P. Towler
User Interface Design and Evaluation
ISBN 9780120884360 , 2005 , Debbie Stone, Caroline Jarrett, Mark Woodroffe,m.fl.
Principles of Digital Design
ISBN 9780133011449 , 1996 , Daniel D. Gajski
Organizational Traps: Leadership, Culture, Organizational Design
ISBN 9780199639649 , 2012 , Chris Argyris
Digital Image Processing Methods
ISBN 9780824789275 , 1994 , Edward R. Dougherty
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780534519933 , 1996 , David C. Howell
Methods, Sex, and Madness
ISBN 9780415097642 , 1994 , Derek Layder, Julia O'Connell Davidson,m.fl.
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292019437 , 2014
Undervisning i endring: IKT, aktivitet, design
ISBN 9788279352266 , 2007 , Andreas Lund, Trond Eiliv Hauge,m.fl.
Industrial Design
ISBN 9780500201817 , 1980 , John Heskett
Qualitative psychology: a practical guide to research methods
ISBN 9781412930840 , 2007 , Jonathan A. Smith
Design History: Understanding Theory and Method
ISBN 9781847885371 , 2009 , Kjetil Fallan
Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780205809387 , 2011 , Bruce L. Berg, Howard Lune
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
ISBN 9780132143011 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Constructive Methods for Parallel Programming
ISBN 9781590333747 , 2002 , Sergei Gorlatch, Christian Lengauer
Research Methods, Ethics and Statistics
ISBN 9788274771673 , 2004 , Edvard Befring
Basics Design and Living
ISBN 9783764376475 , 2006 , Jan Krebs
Circuit Design with Vhdl
ISBN 9780262162241 , 2004
Game Design for Teens
ISBN 9781592004966 , 2004 , Eric Nunamaker, Scott Pugh, Les Pardew,m.fl.
Principles Of Web Design
ISBN 9780619216665 , 2006 , Joel Sklar
Head First Design Patterns
ISBN 9780596007126 , 2004 , Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780130415714 , 2002 , Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall
Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide
ISBN 9781444334272 , 2011 , Susan M. Gass
Digital Graphic Design
ISBN 9780240514772 , 1996 , Ken Pender
Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
ISBN 9781861525314 , 2001 , Jon Curwin, Roger Slater
Slope Stability and Stabilization Methods
ISBN 9780471384939 , 2001 , Lee W. Abramson, Thomas S. Lee, Sunil S. Sharma,m.fl.
Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics
ISBN 9783540420743 , 2001 , Joel H. Ferziger, Milovan Peric
Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780072471465 , 2003 , Steven D. Eppinger, Karl Ulrich