Søk: 'Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography'
Art and the Augustinian Order in Early Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9780754656555 , 2007 , Louise Bourdua, Anne Dunlop
Art of Immunobiology and Case Studies in Immunology
ISBN 9780815334491 , 2000 , Paula Nicolson
The Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical Thinking
ISBN 9781591025320 , 2007 , Nicolas Capaldi, Miles Smit
Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing
ISBN 9788175960961 , 2007
Digital Art and Meaning: Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations
ISBN 9780816667383 , 2011 , Roberto Simanowski
Complete Musical Analysis: A System Designed to Cultivate the Art of Analyzing and Criticising and to Assist in the Performance and Understanding of the Works of the Great Composers of the Different Epochs
ISBN 9781143064760 , 2010 , Alfred John Goodrich
Practical Plant Propagation; An Exposition of the Art and Science of Increasing Plants as Practiced by the Nurseryman, Florist and Gardener
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The Ancient View of Greek Art: Criticism, History, and Terminology
ISBN 9780300015973 , 1974 , J. J. Pollitt
The Gentle Art of Faking: A History of the Methods of Producing Imitations & Spurious Works of Art from the Earlies Times Up to the Present Day
ISBN 9781589632769 , 2001 , Riccardo Nobili
Modern Art: Practices and Debates. Modernism in Dispute - Art Since the Forties
ISBN 9780300055221 , 1993 , Jonathan Harris, Charles Harrison, Paul Wood,m.fl.
A journey into the world of the Ottomans: the art of Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671-1737)
ISBN 9788861307964 , 2009 , Ol?ga Nefedova-Gruntova
A Complete Guide to the Art of Writing Short-Hand
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A Complete Guide to the Art of Writing Short-Hand
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Resourcing in business logistics: the art of systematic combining
ISBN 9788215011196 , 2006 , Lars-Erik Gadde, Göran Persson, Marianne Jahre,m.fl.
Goethe & Palladio: Goethe's study of the relationship between art and nature, leading through architecture to the discovery of the metamorphosis of plants
ISBN 9781584200369 , 2006 , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, David Lowe,m.fl.
The Art of Immersion: How the Digital Generation Is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the Way We Tell Stories
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Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
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The art of staying together: a couple's guide to intimacy and respect
ISBN 9781562828837 , 1993 , Michael S. Broder
Gardner's art through the ages
ISBN 9780534640910 , 2005 , Helen Gardner, Christian J. Mamiya,m.fl.
Gardner's art through the ages
ISBN 9780155050907 , 2005 , Helen Gardner, Christin J. Mamiya,m.fl.
Confronting Images: Questioning The Ends Of A Certain History Of Art
ISBN 9780271024714 , 2004 , John C. Goodman
History of Italian Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
ISBN 9780205705818 , 2010 , David G. Wilkins, Frederick Hartt
Sun Tzus The art of war og kunsten å lede
ISBN 9788271461447 , 2005 , Boel Kristin Støvern, Gary Gagliardi
A Dictionary Of Christian Art
ISBN 9780198609667 , 2004 , Linda Murray, The Peter Murray
Art of Writing Business Letters
ISBN 9788174781734 , 2004 , Sura College of Competition, N.Sundararajan
A Preliminary Investigation of the State-of-the-art of Internet Environmental Reporting in China
ISBN 9781873869673 , 2007 , Jane Zhang
Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
ISBN 9780262017503 , 2012 , Ulrik Ekman
Vision of Modern Art in Memory of Dorothy Walker: Irish Museum of Modern Art
ISBN 9781903811283 , 2004 , Donald Kuspit, Ciaran Bennett, William Laffan,m.fl.
The Trondheim Russian-German MS Vocabulary: A Contribution to 17th [senventeenth] ?century Russian Lexicography
ISBN 9788200088332 , 1972 , Siri Sverdrup Lunden
Pompeii and the Roman Villa: Art and Culture Around the Bay of Naples ; [exhibition Dates: National Gallery of Art, Washington, October 19, 2008 – March 22, 2009 ; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, May 3 – October 4, 2009]
ISBN 9780500514368 , 2008 , Mary Beard, Carol C. Mattusch