Søk: 'Digital Image Processing Using Matlab'
Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications
ISBN 9783540419532 , 2001 , Michael Brandstein, Darren Ward
Digital communications: fundamentals and applications
ISBN 9780130847881 , 2001 , Bernard Sklar
Digital Principles and Logic Design
ISBN 9781934015032 , 2007 , N. Manna, Arjit Saha
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Third Edition
ISBN 9781439808214 , 2009 , 3. utgave , P.J. Fellows
Language Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Iterdisciplinary Perspectives
ISBN 9789027216458 , 2000 , Birgitta Englund Dimitrova
Digital Video Compression [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780071424875 , 2004 , Peter D. Symes
Digital Modernism: Making It New in New Media
ISBN 9780199937103 , 2014 , Jessica Pressman
Digital Cameras and Photography for Dummies
ISBN 9780470430491 , 2009 , Barbara Obermeier, Mark Justice Hinton
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
ISBN 9780273754534 , 2012 , Jane Price Laudon, Kenneth Craig Laudon
Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780415663632 , 2012
Created in God's Image: An Introduction to Feminist Theological Anthropology
ISBN 9781570756979 , 2007 , Michelle A. Gonzalez
Designing a Webpage Using HTML Fundamentals
ISBN 9781598006780 , 2008 , Dr Graceanne Capra Ph D ND
Assessing Alcohol Problems Using Motivational Interviewing
ISBN 9781433803277 , 2008 , Linda Carter-Sobell, Mark Sobell
Using EViews for Principles of Econometrics
ISBN 9780471787112 , 2008 , R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths, Guay C. Lim
Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics
ISBN 9780470185469 , 2008 , R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths,m.fl.
Statistics Using SPSS: An Integrative Approach
ISBN 9780521676373 , 2008 , Sharon Lawner Weinberg, Sarah Knapp Abramowitz
The Fundamentals of Programming Using Java
ISBN 9781844804511 , 2006 , Edward Currie
Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ
ISBN 9780132835541 , 2011 , Michael Kolling, David J. Barnes
Media Convergence: Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life
ISBN 9780230228948 , 2011 , Sherman Young
Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe
ISBN 9780805853872 , 2004 , Allan Brown, Robert G. Picard
Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe
ISBN 9780805847703 , 2004 , Allan Brown, Robert G. Picard
FontBook: Digital Typeface Compendium. Fontbook
ISBN 9783930023042 , 2006 , Erik Spiekermann, Jurgen Siebert,m.fl.
Digital kompetanse i skolen : en innføring
ISBN 9788215001968 , 2005 , Ola Erstad
Digital sporhund: søk på Internett med journalistisk metode
ISBN 9788271473211 , 2009 , Tord E. Nedrelid, Ståle de Lange Kofoed
Digital camera design guide
ISBN 9781576101841 , 1997 , Peter G. Aitken
Undergraduate Econometrics, Using EViews For
ISBN 9780471412397 , 2000 , R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths,m.fl.
Undergraduate Econometrics, Using Excel For
ISBN 9780471412373 , 2000 , R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths,m.fl.
Using the MCS-51 Microcontroller
ISBN 9780195125139 , 2000 , Han-Uei Huang
Bedre bilder; digital fotografering og billedbehandling
ISBN 9788252931990 , 2008
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780135963548 , 1990 , P.J. Fellows