Søk: 'Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual Innovation in Digital Domains'
Intl Std Ed-Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab
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Principles of Modern Digital Design [With DVD ROM]
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The Public Relations Writer's Handbook: The Digital Age
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Emigre: Graphic Design into the Digital Realm
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Elektronikk 3; digital- og datateknikk, VK1 elektronikk
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Elektronikk 3; digital- og datateknikk, VK1 elektronikk
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Digital skole på sviktende grunn: om nye muligheter og dilemmaer
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Introduction to Digital Computer Design, An, 4th ed.
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Future Sounds: An Insider's Guide to Making and Selling Music in the Digital Age
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Digital makt: informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologiens betydning og muligheter
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Neurophysiology: A Conceptual Approach
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Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency
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An Introduction to Principles of Digital Communication Engineering
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Digital Storytelling: A Creator's Guide to Interactive Entertainment
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Algorithmic Information Theory: Mathematics of Digital Information Processing
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Semantic Multimedia: Second International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, SAMT 2007, Genoa, Italy, December 5-7, 2007, Proceedings
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Applied Optimal Control & Estimation: Digital Design & Implementation
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Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Digital Classroom [With DVD-ROM]
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Co-synthesis of Hardware and Software for Digital Embedded Systems
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Digital nonlinear editing: new approaches to editing film and video
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A conceptual history of psychology
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