Søk: 'Education plc: understanding private sector participation in public sector education'
Private Lives and Public Policies: Confidentiality and Accessibility of Government Statistics
ISBN 9780309086516 , 1993 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges
ISBN 9780801880353 , 2004 , Patricia J. Gumport, Toru Umakoshi
Elementary Education and Motivation in Islam: Perspectives of Medieval Muslim Scholars, 750-1400 CE
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The Institutions of Education: A Comparative Study of Educational ...
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Researching Drama and Arts Education: Paradigms and Possibilities
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Schooling for Change: Reinventing Education for Early Adolescent
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African languages for the mass education of Africans
ISBN 9783924441982 , 1995 , Kwesi Kwaa Prah
A Circle of Empowerment: Women, Education, and Leadership
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Avenues of Participation
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Introducing the World of Education: A Case Study Reader
ISBN 9781412906678 , 2005 , Robert K. Yin
Education in a Globalizated World: The Connectivity of Economic Power, Technology, and Knowledge
ISBN 9780742510982 , 2002 , Nelly P. Stromquist
A Private View
ISBN 9781844001101 , 2004 , Tricia Guild, Elspeth Thompson, James Merrell
Networking cultures: Brazilian-Norwegian dialogues on education and culture
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Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural Perspectives on the Future of Education
ISBN 9780631223313 , 2002 , Gordon Wells, Guy Claxton
Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice
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Education and the Commodity Problem: Ethnographic Investigations of Creativity and Performativity in Swedish Schools
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Ethics in Public Relations
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Deaf people: evolving perspectives from psychology, education and sociology
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Access to Health and Education Services in Ethiopia: Supply, Demand, and Government Policy
ISBN 9780855984717 , 2001 , Fra Von Massow
Research on Mother Tongue Education in a Comparative International Perspective: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
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Watching Media Learning: Making Sense of Media Education
ISBN 9781850006534 , 1990 , David Dennis Buckingham
Preparing To Teach In Secondary Schools: A Student Teacher's Guide to Professional Issues in Secondardy Education
ISBN 9780335213986 , 2004 , Val Brooks, Ian Abbott
The Best Interests of the Student: Applying Ethical Constructs to Legal Cases in Education
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Interviewing As Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education And the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780807746660 , 2006 , Irving Seidman
A pedagogy for liberation: dialogues on transforming education
ISBN 9780897891059 , 1987 , Ira Shor, Paulo Freire
Strategic Leadership in the Public Services
ISBN 9780415616508 , 2011 , Paul Joyce
American higher education in the twenty-first century: social, political, and economic challenges
ISBN 9780801858888 , 1999 , Patricia J. Gumport
Education and Democracy: Paulo Freire, Social Movements and Educational Reform in Sao Paulo
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New Paradigm for Re-engineering Education: Globalization, Localization and Individualization
ISBN 9789048169108 , 2010 , Yin Cheong Cheng
Beyond affirmative action: reframing the context of higher education
ISBN 9780299169008 , 2000