Søk: 'Encyclopedia of Social Theory'
Encyclopaedia Britannica 2003; CD
ISBN 9780852299265 , 2002 , Encyclopedia Britannica
An Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna in English and American Literature
ISBN 9780773495395 , 1992 , Peter S.J. Milward
Recursive Macroeconomic Theory
ISBN 9780262018746 , 2012 , Lars Ljungqvist, Thomas J. Sargent
Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780199572823 , 2011
The Construction of Social Reality
ISBN 9780140235906 , 1996 , John R. Searle
Methods Of Research In Social Psychology
ISBN 9781428802131 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Social Identity
ISBN 9780415340977 , 2004
Foundations of Antenna Theory and Techniques
ISBN 9780130262677 , 2004 , Vincent F. Fusco
Social Media Marketing
ISBN 9780132551793 , 2012 , Michael R. Solomon
Handbook of Affect and Social Cognition
ISBN 9780805842838 , 2001 , Joseph P. Forgas
Social Threat or Social Justice?
ISBN 9783836429504 , 2007 , Stephanie Bontrager
The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility
ISBN 9780199211593 , 2008 , Dirk Matten, Andrew Crane, Jeremy Moon,m.fl.
The Social and Applied Psychology of Music
ISBN 9780198567424 , 2008 , Adrian North, David Hargreaves
Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data, Second Edition
ISBN 9781584889601 , 2008 , 2. utgave , David J. Bartholomew, Fiona Steele,m.fl.
“The†Social Life of Information
ISBN 9781578517084 , 2002 , Paul Duguid
The Social Ecology of Religion
ISBN 9780195069747 , 1995 , Vernon Reynolds
Control Theory Fundamentals
ISBN 9781496040732 , 2014 , Richard Poley
Republicanism: Theory of Freedom and Government
ISBN 9780198296423 , 1999 , Philip Pettit
Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation
ISBN 9780071289429 , 2010 , John C. Martin
Gas Turbine Theory
ISBN 9780132224376 , 2008 , G. F. C. Rogers, Herb Saravanamuttoo, H. Cohen,m.fl.
Social Identity
ISBN 9780415448482 , 2008
Social Capital
ISBN 9780415433020 , 2008 , John Field
Classics of Moral and Political Theory
ISBN 9780872207776 , 2006
Production Economics: The Basic Theory of Production Optimisation
ISBN 9783642301995 , 2012 , Svend Rasmussen
A Functional Theory of Cognition
ISBN 9780805822441 , 1996 , Norman H. Anderson
A Theory of Gravitation and Related Phenomena
ISBN 9781113244215 , 2009 , Spillman William Jasper
Essentials of Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780803973572 , 1995 , Arthur Asa Berger
Karl Marx's Theory of Ideas
ISBN 9780521440660 , 1995 , John Torrance
Analyzing Social Networks
ISBN 9781446247419 , 2013 , Jeffrey C. Johnson, Martin G. Everett
Quantum Theory of Many-particle Systems
ISBN 9780486428277 , 2003 , John Dirk Walecka, Alexander L. and " "Fetter