Søk: 'Executive Power'
Picturing Casablanca: Portraits of Power in a Modern City
ISBN 9780520084032 , 1994 , Susan Ossman
The Self-restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies
ISBN 9781555877743 , 1999 , Marc F. Plattner, Andreas Schedler
Company of heroes: unleashing the power of self-leadership
ISBN 9780471055280 , 1996 , Henry P. Sims, Charles C. Manz
Confrontation Talk: Arguments, Asymmetries, and Power on Talk Radio
ISBN 9780805817973 , 1996 , Ian Hutchby
The European Union and Border Conflicts: The Power of Integration and Association
ISBN 9780521709491 , 2008 , Thomas Diez, Stephan Stetter, Mathias Albert
Culture, Power, History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory
ISBN 9780691021027 , 1993 , Nicholas B. Dirks, Sherry B. Ortner
Animal abuse and family violence: researching the interrelationships of abusive power
ISBN 9780773461895 , 2005 , Amy J Fitzgerald
Standard Handbook of Chains: Chains for Power Transmission And Materials Handling
ISBN 9780849391941 , 2005 , American Chain Association
No shortcuts to power: African women in politics and policy making
ISBN 9781842771464 , 2003 , Anne Marie Goetz, Shireen Hassim
Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order
ISBN 9781843541776 , 2003 , Robert Kagan
Power and Privilege: A Theory of Social Stratification
ISBN 9780807841198 , 1984 , Gerhard Emmanuel Lenski
The big picture: the new logic of money and power in Hollywood
ISBN 9781400063536 , 2005 , Edward Jay Epstein
Aid, Power, And Privatization: The Politics of Telecommunication Reform in Central America
ISBN 9781845421748 , 2005 , Benedicte Bull
Democracy and Dictatorship: The Nature and Limits of State Power
ISBN 9780745619125 , 1997 , Norberto Bobbio
Social Stratification and Power in America: A View from Below
ISBN 9781882289516 , 1998 , Lynda Ann Ewen
Academic freedom in the wired world: political extremism, corporate power, and the university
ISBN 9780674026605 , 2008 , Robert M. O'Neil
The Anti-Politics Machine: "Development," Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho
ISBN 9780816624379 , 1994 , James Ferguson
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691118543 , 2007
Changing Patterns of Power in the Middle East
ISBN 9780803925366 , 1985 , Thomas Naff, Wolfgang
Changing Patterns of Power in the Middle East
ISBN 9780803925373 , 1985 , Thomas Naff, Wolfgang
From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America's World Role
ISBN 9780691010359 , 1999 , Fareed Zakaria
A Baker's Dozen: Thirteen Essentials for Health and Safety in Bakeries
ISBN 9780717626168 , 2003 , The Health and Safety Executive
The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power
ISBN 9780297849063 , 2004 , George Soros
Compression for Great Digital Video: Power Tips, Techniques, and Common Sense
ISBN 9781578201112 , 2002 , Ben Waggoner
The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
ISBN 9780472081240 , 1990 , Paul Zanker
Bound to lead: the changing nature of American power
ISBN 9780465007448 , 1991 , Joseph S. Nye
Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order
ISBN 9781400034185 , 2004 , Robert Kagan
Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture
ISBN 9780415331012 , 2004 , Dominic Power, Allen John Scott
The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Keynesianism Across Nations
ISBN 9780691077994 , 1989 , Peter A. Hall
State, Power and Policymaking in the Making of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780415297134 , 2003 , Roger Owen