Søk: 'Food for All: The Need for a New Agriculture'
Etikk for journalister
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Food: The Chemistry of Its Components
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Modern Food Microbiology
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A Guide for U.G.C. Examination for Physical Education
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A Candidate for Killing
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Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition: Report of a Joint Fao/Who Expert Consultation Rome, 14-18 April 1997
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Agriculture Industry Linkages in the Economy of Uttar Pradesh
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All Too Human: A Political Education
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Basic Food Safety for Health Workers: Who/Sde/Phe/Fos/99.1
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Restaurants, clubs & bars: planning, design and investment for food service facilities
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Market Planning for New Industrial Products
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Global Food Economy
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Primary industries facing global markets: the supply chains and markets for Norwegian food and forest products
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