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Building Global Democracy?: Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance
ISBN 9780521140553 , 2011
The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies
ISBN 9780393239355 , 2014 , Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee
Ambiguous images: gender and rock art
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International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace
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Dead Heat: Global Justice and Global Warming
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Hungering for America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in the Age of Migration
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International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy
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The Politics of Migration: Managing Opportunity, Conflict and Change
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A Beginner's Guide to Language and Gender
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Age, narrative and migration: the life course and life histories of Bengali elders in London
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Boring Records?: Communication, Speech, and Writing in Social Work
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Social Work and Direct Payments
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The Handbook of Language and Gender
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Gender Development
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Burn Care
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