Søk: 'Globalization for development: trade, finance, aid, migration, and policy'
Migration, Family and the Welfare State: Integrating Migrants and Refugees in Scandinavia
ISBN 9780415507592 , 2012 , Karen Fog Olwig, Mikkel Rytter
International Trade. Robert Christopher Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor
ISBN 9781429214940 , 2008 , Alan M. Taylor, Robert Christopher Feenstra
The Cucumber Book: Behaviour-Driven Development for Testers and Developers
ISBN 9781934356807 , 2012 , Aslak Hellesoy, Matt Wynne
Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice: Themes, Methods and Approaches
ISBN 9781861344045 , 2004 , Alan Bryman, Saul Becker
ISBN 9780745630687 , 2009 , Anthony Payne, Nicola Phillips, Gareth Schott
Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization
ISBN 9781137299864 , 2013 , Hanspeter Kriesi, Jorg Matthes, Sandra Lavenex,m.fl.
Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction
ISBN 9781403941497 , 2004 , Eddy Lee, Marco Vivarelli
Globalization: A Short History
ISBN 9780691133959 , 2009 , Jurgen Osterhammel, Dona Geyer
Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora
ISBN 9781843318330 , 2010 , Rini Bhattacharya Mehta,m.fl.
Hungering for America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in the Age of Migration
ISBN 9780674011113 , 2003 , Hasia R. Diner
Educational Research and Policy-making: Exploring the Border Country Between Research and Policy
ISBN 9780415411752 , 2007 , Lesley Saunders
Studyguide for Globalization and Its Discontents by Stiglitz, ISBN 9780393051247: 0393051242
ISBN 9781428810198 , 2006 , Joseph E. Stiglitz, Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Geographies of Globalization
ISBN 9780415317993 , 2005 , Warwick E. Murray
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781568817231 , 2011 , 2. utgave
Brookings Trade Forum: 2000
ISBN 9780815715733 , 2000 , Susan Margaret Collins, Dani Rodrik,m.fl.
Financial Theory and Corporate Policy
ISBN 9780321127211 , 2003 , Kuldeep Shastri, Thomas E. Copeland
Corruption and Development
ISBN 9780714649023 , 1998 , Mark Robinson
Corporate Finance
ISBN 9780071124089 , 2001 , Randolph Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe,m.fl.
Public Finance
ISBN 9780071121231 , 2001 , Harvey S. Rosen
Contemporary Economic Sociology: Globalization, Work And Inequality
ISBN 9780415300933 , 2006 , Fran Tonkiss
Adult Development and Aging
ISBN 9780495603443 , 2010 , John C. Cavanaugh, Fredda Blanchard-Fields
RATS Handbook to Accompany Introductory Econometrics for Finance
ISBN 9780521721684 , 2008 , Chris Brooks
RATS Handbook to Accompany Introductory Econometrics for Finance
ISBN 9780521896955 , 2008 , Chris Brooks
Alternatives for Welfare Policy: Coping with Internationalisation and Demographic Change
ISBN 9780521047197 , 2007
Accounting, management control and institutional development
ISBN 9788202444839 , 2014 , Olov Olson, Anatoli Bourmistrov
China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, Settlement, Diplomacy, and Missions
ISBN 9780521432603 , 2010 , John Cranmer-Byng, Willard J. Peterson,m.fl.
Good Governance and Development
ISBN 9780230525665 , 2007 , B.C. Smith
Globalization: What's New
ISBN 9780231134590 , 2005 , Michael M. Weinstein
Cases in Management Accounting and Business Finance
ISBN 9781908199027 , 2012 , Donal G. McKillop
Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
ISBN 9780470074282 , 2006