Søk: 'International public health: diseases, programs, systems, and policies'
Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural and Open Systems
ISBN 9780132329026 , 2006 , W. Richard Scott, Ann Arbor),m.fl.
Intermediate Public Economics
ISBN 9780262083447 , 2006 , Gareth D. Myles, JEAN AUTOR HINDRIKS,m.fl.
Modern Operating Systems
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Physical Activity and Health: The Evidence Explained
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Calculus for Biology and Medicine: Pearson New International Edition
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A disease-based comparison of health systems [electronic resource]: what is best and at what cost?.
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Social support and health
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Public Choice III
ISBN 9780511058714 , 2003 , Dennis C. Mueller
Health Promotion: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity
ISBN 9780748745272 , 2001 , Keith Tones
ISBN 9780335227617 , ROGERS
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
ISBN 9780135053768 , 2008 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice
ISBN 9780073512051 , 2011 , Otis W. Baskin, Suzette T. Heiman,m.fl.
Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice
ISBN 9780071315784 , 2011 , Dan Lattimore, Otis W. Baskin, Suzette T. Heiman,m.fl.
Public Opinion and Political Change in China
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Pediatric Nutrition in Chronic Diseases and Developmental Disorders: Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment
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The Sociology of Health and Illness
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International Economics: International Edition
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International Trade
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Colour atlas of diseases of lettuce and related salad crops
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Microeconomics: International Edition
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Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles
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A community of Europeans?: transnational identities and public spheres
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Parsons' diseases of the eye
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An Introduction to International Relations and Religion
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Public relations and social theory: key figures and concepts
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Governance Without a State?: Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood
ISBN 9780231151207 , 2011 , Thomas Risse
Caring for children in school-age programs
ISBN 9781879537149 , 1997 , Derry Gosselin Koralek, Roberta L Newman,m.fl.
Managing for Health
ISBN 9780415363457 , 2007 , David J. Hunter
South Africa and Global Apartheid: Continental and International Policies and Politics : Address to the Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Nordic Africa Days, Uppsala, Sweden 4 October 2003
ISBN 9789171065230 , 2004 , Patrick Bond
A Political Theory of Identity in European Integration: Memory and Policies
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