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Medicine as culture: illness, disease and the body in Western societies
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Comparing political systems: power and policy in three worlds
ISBN 9780471827726 , 1986 , Gary K. Bertsch, R. Clark, D. Wood
European Union: Power And Policy-making
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Cities As Sustainable Ecosystems: Principles and Practices
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Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age and His Search for Soft Trousers
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The Making of Modern Japan
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Silvio Berlusconi: Television, Power And Patrimony
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Power System Analysis
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No Shortcuts to Power: African Women in Politics and Policy Making
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Planning in the Face of Power.
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Viking Norway: Personalities, Power and Politics
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Comparative Public Policy: The Politics of Social Choice in America, Europe, and Japan
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No shortcuts to power: African women in politics and policy making
ISBN 9781842771464 , 2003 , Anne Marie Goetz, Shireen Hassim
European Union: Power And Policy-making
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Illness as Metaphor: And AIDS and Its Metaphors
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Comparing Political Systems: Power and Policy in Three Worlds
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The Anti-Politics Machine: "Development," Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho
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