Søk: 'Making a Difference: Developing Meaningful Careers in Education'
Managerial discretion in government decision making: beyond the street level
ISBN 9780763746568 , 2007 , Jacqueline. Vaughn
Making Moral Decisions
ISBN 9780826453020 , 2000 , Holm, BOWKER
Family: the making of an idea, an institution, and a controversy in American culture
ISBN 9780813315461 , 1999 , Betty G. Farrell
Language teaching and learning in a multicultural context: case studies from primary education in the Netherlands and Norway
ISBN 9788270993994 , 2004 , Else Ryen, Jeff Bezemer, Sjaak Kroon,m.fl.
Developing Essential Literacy Skills: A Continuum of Lessons for Grades K-3
ISBN 9780872076075 , 2008 , Robin Cohen
Developing Grounded Theory: The Second Generation
ISBN 9781598741933 , 2009 , Juliet M. Corbin, Janice M. Morse,m.fl.
Developing Grounded Theory: The Second Generation
ISBN 9781598741926 , 2009 , Juliet M. Corbin, Janice M. Morse,m.fl.
Anthropology, History, and Education
ISBN 9780521452502 , 2007 , Immanuel Kant, Günter Zöller, Robert B. Louden
Jordan in the Middle East 1948-1988: The Making of a Pivotal State
ISBN 9780714634548 , 1994 , Ilan Pappé, Joseph Nevo
Beyond separate education: quality education for all
ISBN 9781557660176 , 1989
Dirac's Difference Equation and the Physics of Finite Differences
ISBN 9780123742216 , 2008 , Henning F. Harmuth, Beate Meffert,m.fl.
From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship: Essays and Reflections
ISBN 9781847690784 , 2008
Developing Grammar in Context Intermediate with Answers: Grammar Reference and Practice
ISBN 9780521627122 , 2003 , Mark Nettle, Diana Hopkins
Developing Grammar in Context Intermediate without answers: Grammar Reference and Practice
ISBN 9780521627115 , 2003 , Mark Nettle, Diana Hopkins
A Casebook for Business Statistics: Laboratories for Decision Making
ISBN 9780471382409 , 2006 , Abdul Ali, Norean R. Sharpe, Mark E. Potter
Adult education in the rural context: people, place, and change
ISBN 9780470289754 , 2008 , Adult and Continuing Education,m.fl.
Knowledge Education and Learning: E-Learning in the Knowledge Society
ISBN 9788759312490 , 2006 , Lars Qvortrup
Faculty Development by Design: Integrating Technology in Higher Education (HC)
ISBN 9781593115838 , 2006 , Puny Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler, Youg Zhao
A Circle of Empowerment: Women, Education, and Leadership
ISBN 9780791424421 , 1995 , Rita L. Irwin
Applications in Multi-criteria Decision Making, Data Envelopment Analysis, and Finance
ISBN 9780857244697 , 2010 , Kenneth D. Lawrence, Gary Kleinman
In Search of the Virtual Class: Education in an Information Society
ISBN 9780415115568 , 1995 , John Tiffin, Lalita Rajasingham
In Search of the Virtual Class: Education in an Information Society
ISBN 9780415124836 , 1995 , John Tiffin, Lalita Rajasingham, Lal Rajasingham
Judgment and Decision Making: Psychological Perspectives
ISBN 9781405123983 , 2009 , David Hardman
Research project preparation within education and special needs education: introduction to Theory of Science
ISBN 9788276349771 , 2013 , Berit H. Johnsen
Environmental Policy-Making In Britain, Germany and the European Union
ISBN 9780719073342 , 2006 , Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel
Social learning technologies: the introduction of multimedia in education
ISBN 9780754614098 , 2000 , Wiebe E. Bijker, Marc Van Lieshout,m.fl.
Studyguide for Politics and Society in the Developing World by Calvert, Peter, ISBN 9781405824408
ISBN 9781405824408 , 2009 , Peter Calvert, Susan Calvert
Doing Drama Research: Stepping Into Enquiry in Drama, Theatre and Education
ISBN 9780958755153 , 2006 , John O'Toole
Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
ISBN 9781847693556 , 2011 , Colin Baker
Breakthroughs in Critical Reading: Developing Reading and Critical Thinking Skills
ISBN 9780809209330 , 1994 , Contemporary, Patricia Ann Benner