Søk: 'Marketing Management ** Kun for salg til BI studenter *****'
Production Management for Film and Video
ISBN 9780240515533 , 1999 , Richard Gates
Arbeidshefte til Økonomistyring 2
ISBN 9788245015652 , 2013 , Aage Sending
International Financial Management
ISBN 9781408088456 , 2014 , Jeff Madura
Essentials of International Marketing
ISBN 9780765624758 , 2010 , Donald L. Brady
Principles of Marketing Pack
ISBN 9780273743279 , 2010 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Marian Burk Wood,m.fl.
Studyguide for Marketing: An Introduction by Armstrong, ISBN 9780131865914
ISBN 9781428813038 , 2006
Studyguide for Marketing: An Introduction by Armstrong, ISBN 9780131273122
ISBN 9781428810723 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Gary Armstrong,m.fl.
Farm Management
ISBN 9780071086561 , 2011 , Ronald D. Kay, Patricia A. Duffy
Healthcare Management
ISBN 9780335243815 , 2011
Strategic Relationship Marketing
ISBN 9788759308400 , 2002 , Mogens Bjerre, Søren Hougaard
Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780273646624 , 2002 , 3. utgave
Marketing Research: Tools & Techniques
ISBN 9780199281961 , 2007
Introduksjon til samfunnskunnskap
ISBN 9788252186543 , 2014 , Tone Aarre, Jonas Christophersen, Kjetil Børhaug
Child psychology:with cd and olc bi-card - a contemporary view point
ISBN 9780071251921 , 2005 , E. Mavis Hetherington, Ross D. Parke,m.fl.
Marketing and Modernity: An Ethnography of Marketing Practice
ISBN 9781859739969 , 1997
Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780273646679 , 2001
Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780077098605 , 2001 , Geoff Lancaster, Lester Massingham, Ruth Ashford
Principles of marketing
ISBN 9781861526687 , 2001 , Geoffrey Randall
Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management
ISBN 9780470850794 , 2007 , Teresa Bradley
Management and Cost Accounting 8E
ISBN 9781408041802 , 2012 , 8. utgave , Colin Drury
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032096 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032102 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
International Financial Management
ISBN 9781408032299 , 2011 , Jeff Madura, Roland Fox, A. Fox
Marketing Culture and the Arts
ISBN 9782980860218 , 2007
Ut og selge tjenester: markedsføring og salg av tjenester, for ikke-selgere
ISBN 9788276680171 , 1995 , Britt-Marie Ahrnell, Leif Klockare
Avhendingslova; kommentar til: Lov 3 juli 1992 om avhending (kjøp og salg) av fast eiendom
ISBN 9788241709166 , 1998 , Stein Rognlien
Hygiene for Management: A Text for Food Hygiene Courses
ISBN 9781871912630 , 2003 , Richard A. Sprenger
Reputation Management
ISBN 9783642192654 , 2011 , Sabrina Helm, Christopher Storck
Fundamentals of Retailing and Shopper Marketing
ISBN 9780273757399 , 2012 , Jan Hillesland, Thomas E. Rudolph, Odd Gisholt,m.fl.
En innføring i makroøkonomi: det ledere, investorer og studenter har behov for å vite
ISBN 9788271461935 , 2008 , David A. Moss, Bjørn Aasheim