Søk: 'Microelectric Device Technology III'
A Passion to Build: India's Quest for Offshore Technology: a Memoir
ISBN 9781430317371 , 2007 , Kumar Malhotra Anil
Conversation and Technology: From the Telephone to the Internet
ISBN 9780745621111 , 2000 , Ian Hutchby
Between Understanding and Trust: The Public, Science and Technology
ISBN 9789058230072 , 2000
Essentials of Geology: Text with Student Technology Package
ISBN 9781572591097 , 1997 , Stanley Chernicoff, Haydn A. Fox,m.fl.
System Dynamics
ISBN 9780073398068 , 2013 , William J. Palm III
Photonic and Quantum Technologies for Aerospace Applications III: 17-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA
ISBN 9780819440815 , 2001 , Eric Donkor, Andrew R. Pirich, Edward W. Taylor
Managing the information technology resource: leadership in the information age
ISBN 9780130351265 , 2003 , Christine V. Bullen
Information and communication technology in organizations: adoption, implementation, use and effects
ISBN 9781412900898 , 2005 , Harry Bouwman, Bart Van Den Hooff,m.fl.
The Glass State: The Technology of the Spectacle, Paris, 1981-1998
ISBN 9780262562218 , 2006 , Annette Fierro
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9780801878091 , 2004 , Thomas J. Misa
Customer Relationship Management: Integrating Marketing Strategy and Information Technology
ISBN 9780471271376 , 2002 , William G. Zikmund, Faye W. Gilbert,m.fl.
Computed Tomography: Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications [With CDROM]
ISBN 9783895782169 , 2006 , Willi A. Kalender
The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves
ISBN 9781846140174 , 2009
Multimedia Communication Technology: Representation, Transmission and Identification of Multimedia Signals
ISBN 9783540012498 , 2003 , Jens-Rainer Ohm
Starting Strong III A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care
ISBN 9789264123250 , 2012 , m.fl.
Learning Electricity and Electronics with Advanced Educational Technology
ISBN 9783540566540 , 1993 , m.fl.
Biosensor and Chemical Sensor Technology: Process Monitoring and ...
ISBN 9780841233300 , 1995 , K.R. Rogers, A. Mulchandani, W. Zhou
University Physics Plus Modern Physics Technology Update Plus MasteringPhysics with Etext -- Access Card Package
ISBN 9780321897442 , 2013 , Hugh D. Young
Services Marketing in Asia: Managing People, Technology, and Strategy
ISBN 9780130605665 , 2001 , Christopher H. Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz,m.fl.
4th generation R&D: managing knowledge, technology, and innovation
ISBN 9780471240938 , 1999 , William L. Miller, Bill Miller, Langdon Morris
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9781421401546 , 2011 , Thomas J. Misa
Administration - Administrative Services and Information Technology for Management Support Notes
ISBN 9781843990680 , 2005
Forensic DNA Typing: Biology, Technology, and Genetics of Str Markers
ISBN 9780121479527 , 2005 , John Marshall Butler
Health Information Management: Integrating Information Technology in Health Care Work
ISBN 9780415315180 , 2003 , Marc Berg
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9780801878084 , 2004 , Thomas J. Misa
A guided tour of differential equations: using computer technology
ISBN 9780135927670 , 1998 , Margie Hale, Alexandra Skidmore
Conversation and Technology: From the Telephone to the Internet
ISBN 9780745621104 , 2000 , Ian Hutchby
The Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society: A-D
ISBN 9781579581510 , 1998 , Rudi R. Volti
Any Sound You Can Imagine: Making Music/Consuming Technology
ISBN 9780819563095 , 1997 , Paul Theberge
Hazard Assessment and Control Technology in Semiconductor Manufacturing
ISBN 9780873711326 , 1989 , m.fl.