Søk: 'Middle East, Tubed'
A forum on "The Role of Culture in Industrial Asia--The Relationship between Confucian Ethics and Modernisation."
ISBN 9789810000158 , 1988 , William Theodore De Bary,m.fl.
The complete guide to Middle earth: from The Hobbit to The Silmarillion : [an A-Z guide to the names, places and events in the fantasy world of J. R. R. Tolkien]
ISBN 9780261102521 , 1978 , John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Robert Forster
Kaingin in the Philippines - is it the End of the Forest?/Synthesis of Results of the FTPP Farmer-initiated Research and Extension Practices Initiative in East Africa/Slash-and-burn in the History of the Swedish Forests/Forest Genetic Resources in Cent...
ISBN 9780850033342 , 1997 , Anna Lawrence, christoffel den Biggelaar,m.fl.