Søk: 'Modernity and Technology'
Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines
ISBN 9780262640565 , 2004 , Stefano Nolfi Dario Floreano
Making Waves: Engineering, Politics and the Social Management of Technology
ISBN 9780252021497 , 1995 , E. Wenk
E-Commerce: Business,Technology, Society: International Edition
ISBN 9780135009321 , 2008 , Carol Guercio Traver, Kenneth Craig Laudon
Chemical vapor deposition for microelectronics: principles, technology, and applications
ISBN 9780815511366 , 1987 , Arthur Sherman
Competition and cooperation in Taiwan's information technology industry: inter-firm networks and industrial upgrading
ISBN 9781567204377 , 2002 , Teresa Shuk-Ching Poon
Confronting Mass Democracy and Industrial Technology: Political and Social Theory from Nietzsche to Habermas
ISBN 9780822327882 , 2002 , John McCormick
The Technology of Orgasm: "Hysteria," the Vibrator, and Women's Sexual Satisfaction
ISBN 9780801866463 , 2001 , Rachel P. Maines
Computer Skills Workbook for Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities
ISBN 9780321522559 , 2007 , Sharon Scollard
A Floating Commonwealth: Politics, Culture, and Technology on Britain's Atlantic Coast, 1860-1930
ISBN 9780198227830 , 2008 , Christopher Harvie
Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society
ISBN 9780205410521 , 2002 , David Crowley
Callaham's Russian-English Dictionary of Science and Technology, 4th Editio
ISBN 9780471611394 , 1996 , Ludmilla Ignatiev Callaham, John R. Callaham
Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Educational Technology for Development
ISBN 9781607521099 , 2009 , Stewart Marshall, Wanjira Kinuthia,m.fl.
Fluency with information technology: skills, concepts, & capabilities
ISBN 9780321357823 , 2005 , Lawrence Snyder
Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the firm: the emergence and survival of high-technology ventures in Europe
ISBN 9781845427092 , 2007 , Dominique Drillon, Frank Lasch, Jan M. Ulijn
The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521605212 , 2004 , Hal R. Varian, Carl Shapiro, Joseph V. Farrell
Modernity, the Media and the Military: The Creation of National Mythologies on the Western Front 1914-1918
ISBN 9780415375054 , 2008 , John Williams
The acoustics of speech communication: fundamentals, speech perception theory, and technology
ISBN 9780205198870 , 1998 , J.M. Pickett
Automobile Technology of the Future
ISBN 9783184011307 , 1991 , Ulrich Seiffert, Peter Walzer
Fine pitch surface mount technology: quality, design, and manufacturing techniques
ISBN 9780442008628 , 1992 , Phil Marcoux
Adequate Food for All: Culture, Science, and Technology of Food in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781420077537 , 2009 , Wilson G. Pond, Buford L. Nichols, Dan L. Brown
Politics, governance, and technology: a postmodern narrative on the virtual state
ISBN 9781858988771 , 1999
Defining the Family: Law, Technology, and Reproduction in an Uneasy Age
ISBN 9780814719176 , 1999 , Janet L. Dolgin
The spectre of participation: technology and work in a welfare state
ISBN 9788200423096 , 1998 , Knut H. Sørensen
Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical Applications: Reverse Engineering, Software Conversion and Rapid Prototyping
ISBN 9780470032848 , 2006 , Ian Gibson
The architecture of computer hardware and systems software: an information technology approach
ISBN 9780471073253 , 2003 , Irv Englander
Confronting mass democracy and industrial technology: political and social theory from Nietzsche to Habermas
ISBN 9780822327783 , 2002 , John McCormick
Experiments in cooperation: assessing U.S.-Russian programs in science and technology
ISBN 9780870784057 , 1997 , Glenn E. Schweitzer
Communicating Complex News Online - How Users Process Information About Science, Health, and Technology
ISBN 9783836460958 , 2008
A Macro Perspective on Technology Transfer
ISBN 9780899309774 , 1996 , Allan C. Reddy
Empowering Teachers With Technology: Making It Happen
ISBN 9780810846296 , 2003 , Michael T. Romano