Søk: 'Persuasive communication'
The New Public: Professional Communication and the Means of Social Influence
ISBN 9780521481465 , 1997 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman,m.fl.
Reader in Greek Sociolinguistics: Studies in Modern Greek Language, Culture, and Communication
ISBN 9783906764894 , 2001 , Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Marianna Spanaki
Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit
ISBN 9783540790402 , 2008 , István Frigyes, János Bitó, Péter Bakki
More Real Stories of Spirit Communication: When Loved Ones Return After Crossing Over -
ISBN 9781591135180 , 2004 , J Hoy Angela
The Future of Excellence in Public Relations And Communication Management: Challenges for the Next Generation
ISBN 9780805855968 , 2006 , James E. Grunig, Larissa A. Grunig,m.fl.
The Future of Excellence in Public Relations And Communication Management: Challenges for the Next Generation
ISBN 9780805855951 , 2006 , James E. Grunig, Larissa A. Grunig,m.fl.
IMC, The Next Generation: Five Steps for Delivering Value and Measuring Returns Using Marketing Communication
ISBN 9780071416627 , 2003 , Don E. Schultz, Heidi F. Schultz
Studyguide for Fundamentals of Organizational Communication: Knowledge, Sensitivity, Skills, Values by Pamela S. Shockley-Zalabak, ISBN 9780205545957
ISBN 9781618125033 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Allyn & Bacon Quick Guide to the Internet for Speech Communication, 2000 Ed
ISBN 9780205309696 , 2000 , Terrence A. Doyle, Doug Gotthoffer
Intercultural Communication: Past and Future ; Selected Papers Presented at the 7th Nordic Symposium for Intercultural Communication, Ã…bo Akademi University, Turku/Ã…bo, Finland, 24-26 November 2000
ISBN 9789521212451 , 2003 , Nils G. Holm, Johanna Quiroz-Schauman
Assessing Communication Education: A Handbook for Media, Speech, and Theatre Educators
ISBN 9780805816235 , 1994 , William G. Christ
Assessing communication education: a handbook for media, speech, and theatre educators
ISBN 9780805816228 , 1994 , William G. Christ
Excellent public relations and effective organizations: a study of communication management in three countries
ISBN 9780805818178 , 2002 , James E. Grunig, David M. Dozier,m.fl.
Excellent public relations and effective organizations: a study of communication management in three countries
ISBN 9780805818185 , 2002 , James E. Grunig, David M. Dozier,m.fl.
ECDL Syllabus 4.5 Module 7 Information and Communication Using Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook 2003
ISBN 9781860055638 , 2007
ECDL Syllabus 4.5 Module 7 Information and Communication Using Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express
ISBN 9781860055614 , 2007 , Simon & Schuster
ECDL Syllabus 4.5 Module 7 Information and Communication Using Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook XP
ISBN 9781860055621 , 2007 , Simon & Schuster
ECDL Syllabus 4.5 Module 7 Information and Communication Using Internet Explorer 7 and Outlook 2007
ISBN 9781860055652 , 2007 , Simon & Schuster
Interdisciplinary Research Team Dynamics - A Systems Approach to Understanding Communication and Collaboration in Complex Teams
ISBN 9783836453646 , 2007 , Jessica Thompson
Foundations of Communication Policy: Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media
ISBN 9781572733435 , 2001 , Philip M. Napoli
Voices Of Strong Democracy: Concepts And Models For Service-learning In Communication Studies
ISBN 9781563770128 , 1999 , American Association for Higher Education,m.fl.
Studyguide for Advertising Campaign Strategy: A Guide to Marketing Communication Plans by Parente, ISBN 9780324271904
ISBN 9781428806290 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Donald Parente
Computers, Communication and Usability: Design Issues, Research and Methods for Integrated Services
ISBN 9780444899743 , 1993 , Paul Byerley, Philip J. Barnard, Jon May
Get Me a Murder a Day!: The History of Mass Communication in Britain
ISBN 9780340614662 , 1998 , Kevin Williams
Ideology and modern culture: critical social theory in the era of mass communication
ISBN 9780804718462 , 1991 , John B. Thompson
McTs Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-503): Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5windows Communication Foundation: Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5windows Communic
ISBN 9780735625655 , 2008 , Sara Morgan, Bruce Johnson, Peter Madziak
Social and Behavioural Sciences for Nurses: Psychology, Sociology and Communication for Project 2000
ISBN 9781873732038 , 1992
Beyond the word: reconstructing sense in the Joyce era of technology, culture, and communication
ISBN 9780802006301 , 1995
Communication and the Transformation of Economics: Essays in Information, Public Policy, and Political Economy
ISBN 9780813326719 , 1995
Number Theory in Science And Communication: With Applications in Cryptography, Physics, Digital Information, Computing, And Self-similarity
ISBN 9783540265962 , 2005 , Manfred Robert Schroeder