Søk: 'Principles of marketing'
Basic Marketing Research
ISBN 9780131296138 , 2004 , Ronald F. Bush, Alvin C. Burns
Marketing: An Introduction
ISBN 9780130391278 , 2004 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Armstrong & Kotler Marketing Study Guide: Your Driver's Manual for Marketing
ISBN 9780132380522 , 2006 , Gary Armstrong, Brandi Guidry Hollier
Kellogg on marketing
ISBN 9780471353997 , 2001 , Philip Kotler, Dawn Iacobucci,m.fl.
Principles of Linguistic Change, Social Factors
ISBN 9780631179160 , 2001 , William Labov
Global Marketing Management: International Edition
ISBN 9780273768685 , 2013 , Svend Hollensen, Warren J. Keegan
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism
ISBN 9780132784023 , 2013 , Philip Kotler
Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value
ISBN 9780470773147 , 2008 , Peter Doyle
Marketing Management in China
ISBN 9789810679972 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 5e
ISBN 9780683307375 , 2002 , 5. utgave , David A. Williams, William O. Foye,m.fl.
Principles and Applications of Enterprise JavaBeans
ISBN 9780130449153 , 2002 , Kevin Boone
Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9789788251910 , 2004
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
ISBN 9780554291734 , 2008 , David Hume
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
ISBN 9781434670670 , 2008 , David Hume
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
ISBN 9780554384764 , 2008 , David Hume
Principles of Food Sanitation, Fourth Edition
ISBN 9780834212329 , 1999 , 4. utgave , Norman G. Marriott
Accounting Principles
ISBN 9780470224182 , 2008 , Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso,m.fl.
Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation
ISBN 9780323096331 , 2014 , Stuart C. White, Michael J. Pharoah
Bioprocess Engineering Principles
ISBN 9780122208515 , 2006 , Pauline M. Doran
ISBN 9780618159499 , 2003
Marketing: An Introduction
ISBN 9780131202757 , 2003 , Philip Kotler, Gary M. Armstrong
Principles of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
ISBN 9780935702668 , 1991 , Gary Wulfsberg
Marketing management 12th edition
ISBN 9781846587672 , 2007
The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications 2/E
ISBN 9780071767460 , 2012 , 2. utgave , Clarke L. Caywood
International marketing research
ISBN 9780130453860 , 2000 , V. Kumar
Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
ISBN 9780521731676 , 2010 , John Walker, Keith Wilson
Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Flow Version: International Edition
ISBN 9780132453127 , 2009 , Thomas L. Floyd
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9781485102649 , 2014 , Annekie Brink, Adele Berndt
Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution
ISBN 9780393707069 , 2011 , Richard Fisch
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
ISBN 9780321992789 , 2014 , Bjarne Stroustrup