Søk: 'Strategy synthesis: resolving strategy paradoxes to create competitive advantage. Concise version'
Manufacturing Strategy: The Research Agenda for the Next Decade
ISBN 9780792390657 , 1990
Corporate diplomacy: the strategy for a volatile, fragmented business environment
ISBN 9780470848906 , 2002 , Ulrich Steger
The Positive Sum Strategy: Harnessing Technology for Economic Growth
ISBN 9780309567985 , 1986 , Nathan Rosenberg, Ralph Landau
Asset pricing and portfolio performance: models, strategy, and performance metrics
ISBN 9781899332366 , 1999 , Robert A. Korayczyk
Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach
ISBN 9780470712368 , 2008 , Stuart Warren
Psychological Capital:Developing the Human Competitive Edge: Developing the Human Competitive Edge
ISBN 9780195187526 , 2006 , Bruce J. Avolio, Fred Luthans
Human Resource Strategy: A Behavioral Perspective for the General Manager
ISBN 9780071181112 , 2001 , Thomas W. Dougherty, George F. Dreher
Solutions Manual to Accompany Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, 2nd Ed., Mark Gtinblatt, Sheridan Timan
ISBN 9780072294347 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Sheridan Titman, Mark Grinblatt
Online Public Relations: A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media
ISBN 9780749449681 , 2009 , David Phillips, Philip Young
Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Brand Potential Across Countries, Cultures and Markets
ISBN 9780749447120 , 2005 , Sicco Van Gelder
Concise Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780199206360 , 2007 , Jonathan Law
Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy (With DDB Needham Data Disk)
ISBN 9780072416886 , 2000 , Del I. Hawkins, Best, Coney
Human Resource Management in Northern Europe: Trends, Dilemmas and Strategy
ISBN 9780631217770 , 2000 , Chris Brewster, Henrik Holt Larsen
A Thesis on the Rationales of Import Substitution Industrialization Strategy
ISBN 9781581120073 , 1997 , Hong Liang
Redefining Global Strategy: Crossing Borders in a World where Differences Still Matter
ISBN 9781591398660 , 2007 , Pankaj Ghemawat
The Art of Public Strategy: Mobilizing Power and Knowledge for the Common Good
ISBN 9780199593453 , 2010
Strategic Purchasing and Supply Management: A Strategy-Based Selection of Suppliers
ISBN 9783835006584 , 2007 , Roger Moser, Christopher Jahns
Tourism Geography: A New Synthesis
ISBN 9780415394260 , 2009 , Stephen Williams
Creating Collaborative Advantage
ISBN 9780803974999 , 1996 , Chris Huxham
Content Characteristics of Formal Information Technology Strategy as Implementation Predictors
ISBN 9781861810618 , 1998 , Petter Gottschalk
Studyguide for Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy by Hawkins, ISBN 9780072416886
ISBN 9781428804579 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Best & Coney Hawkins,m.fl.
Studyguide for Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy by Hawkins, ISBN 9780072536867
ISBN 9781428810686 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Exploring Corporate Strategy Enhanced Media Edition Text and Cases 7th Edition
ISBN 9780273710172 , 2006 , 7. utgave , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
Valuepack:Exploring Corporate Strategy Enhanced Media Edition/Quantitive Methods for Decision Makers.
ISBN 9781405853675 , 2006 , Mik Wisniewski, Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes,m.fl.
A Concise Introduction to SmartWare II
ISBN 9780859342285 , 1991 , Noel Kantaris, Steve Cant
Corporate and Organizational Identities: Integrating Strategy, Marketing, Communication and Organizational Perspectives
ISBN 9780415282055 , 2002 , Bertrand Moingeon, Guillaume Soenen,m.fl.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
ISBN 9780761542292 , 2003 , David S. J. Hodgson, Zach Meston
Exam Prep for Essentials of Strategic Management, The Quest for Competitive Advantage by Gamble & Thompson, Jr., 1st Ed.
ISBN 9781428872493 , 2009 , 1. utgave , Jr. Gamble &. Thompson
Corporate and Organizational Identities: Integrating Strategy, Marketing, Communication and Organizational Perspectives
ISBN 9780415282048 , 2002 , Bertrand Moingeon, Guillaume Soenen,m.fl.
A Concise Introduction to Logic With Infotrac
ISBN 9780534584825 , 2003 , Patrick J. Hurley