Søk: 'The Apple sliced: sociological studies of New York City'
Communication Studies
ISBN 9781403939982 , 2006
Porn Studies
ISBN 9780822333128 , 2004 , Linda Williams
The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology
ISBN 9780262517607 , 2012 , Trevor Pinch, Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes,m.fl.
New Norway 9: On the Verge of a New Millennium
ISBN 9788272170782 , 1996 , Gunnar Jerman, Norges eksportråd
Solomonic Judgements: Studies in the Limitations of Rationality
ISBN 9780521378154 , 1989
A Century of British Medieval Studies
ISBN 9780197263952 , 2007 , Alan Deyermond
ISBN 9783575113375 , 1995
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ISBN 9783575333162 , 1995
ISBN 9783575333766 , 1995
The Companion to Development Studies, 2nd Edition
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The New Testament
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Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro Hd
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International Business: The New Realities
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The Routledge Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies
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Renaissance Florence: The Invention of a New Art
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A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
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City Flicks: Indian Cinema and the Urban Experience
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Piety and poverty: working-class religion in Berlin, London, and New York, 1870-1914
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Bureaucratic Culture and Escalating World Problems: Advancing the Sociological Imagination
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Dixie City Jam
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Competing on analytics: the new science of winning
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The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class
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Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood
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Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject [New in Paper]
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A Bibliography of Museum Studies
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Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas
ISBN 9780745331171 , 2012 , John-Andrew McNeish, Owen J Logan
Media, Modernity And Technology: The Geography of the New
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