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Changing Paradigms of Christian Higher Education in China, 1888-1950
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Body in Description of Emotion: Cross-Linguistic Studies
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Critical Management Studies: A Reader
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Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
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English for Business Studies Student's Book: A Course for Business Studies and Economics Students
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A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion
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Performance in Java and Bali: Studies of Narrative, Theatre, Music, and Dance
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Heritage Studies: Methods and Approaches
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All the Russias; Travels and Studies in Contemporary European Russia Finland Siberia
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Children, Changing Families and Welfare States
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Restructuring and Privitization in Central Eastern Europe: Case Studies of Firms in Transition
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Before Columbus: Exploration and Colonization from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492
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Rethinking Religion: Studies in the Hellenistic Process
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Handbook of Sports Studies
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Studies in Jewish history
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Infant Development: Ecological Perspectives
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The Translation Studies Reader
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e-Study Guide for: Cultures and Societies in a Changing World by Wendy Griswold, ISBN 9781412961264
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The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader
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Frontiers of Ottoman Studies
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