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International Economics: Theory and Policy
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Economics for Business
ISBN 9780333914762 , 2001 , Howard R. Vane, James Eden
A Bibliography of Historical Economics to 1980
ISBN 9780521403276 , 1991 , Deirdre N. McCloskey, Donald N. McCloskey,m.fl.
Economics from a Global Perspective: A Text Book for Use with the International Baccalaureate Economics Programme
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Is there progress in economics?: knowledge, truth and the history of economic thought
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Social Psychology and Economics
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Health Care Economics
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Statistics for Business and Economics
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Advances in Mathematical Economics
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Circulation Economics: Theory and Practice
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Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ISBN 9780321311528 , 2006 , Tom Tietenberg, Thomas H. Tietenberg
Dark age economics: the origins of towns and trade A.D. 600-1000
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The economics of human capital: a theoretical analysis illustrated empirically by Norwegian data
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Chartered Accountants of Certified Accountants Managerial Economics
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Statistics for Business and Economics
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Economics Of Health Care: An Introductory Text
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The European mosaic: contemporary politics, economics, and culture
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International Economics 2
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Personnel economics (series)
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Supply-side Economics And Globalization: The End Of Democracy And Capitalism - The Corridor To 9-11
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Telecommunication Network Economics: From Theory to Applications
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Environmental Economics: An Introduction
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Personnel Economics For Managers
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