Søk: 'The European Union and British Politics'
Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture
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The British Museum Pocket Explorer African Civilizations
ISBN 9780714131405 , 2010 , Nicholas Badcott
Crude power: politics and the oil market
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World Politics: Trend and Transformation
ISBN 9780495802785 , 2010 , Charles W. Kegley, Shannon Lindsey Blanton
Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy: European Edition
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NATO's European Allies: Military Capability and Political Will
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Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide
ISBN 9781107648371 , 2011 , Ronald Inglehart, Pippa Norris
Divided West: European Security and the Transatlantic Relationship
ISBN 9781405130417 , 2006 , Tuomas Forsberg, Graeme Herd
Building and construction 2; British ways
ISBN 9788202167981 , 2002 , Marcie Madden Austad, Richard Hugh Peel,m.fl.
Catering and farming 2; British ways
ISBN 9788202167950 , 2002 , Marcie Madden Austad, Richard Hugh Peel,m.fl.
Catering and farming 2; British ways
ISBN 9788202167967 , 2002 , Marcie Madden Austad, Richard Hugh Peel,m.fl.
Building and construction 2; British ways
ISBN 9788202167974 , 2002 , Marcie Madden Austad, Richard Hugh Peel,m.fl.
The self as project: politics and the human sciences
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India Today: Economy, Politics and Society
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The Global Politics of Educational Borrowing and Lending
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Mimesis and Empire: The New World, Islam, and European Identities
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Women and the White House: Gender, Popular Culture, and Presidential Politics
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What Is Politics?: The Activity and Its Study
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The Moral Foundations of Politics
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Cultural Pluralism, Identity Politics, and the Law
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The Economics of European Integration: Limits and Prospects
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Comparative Politics
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European Multiculturalisms: Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Challenges
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The Balkans and the West: constructing the European other, 1945-2003
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Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power
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Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and After the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame
ISBN 9780761951858 , 1996
Aristotle: The Politics and the Constitution of Athens
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Encountering the Transnational: Women Islam and the Politics of Interpretation
ISBN 9780754671237 , 2008 , Meena Sharify-Funk
Totalitarianism and the Modern Conception of Politics
ISBN 9780300071801 , 2000 , Michael Halberstam
Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance
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