Søk: 'Think, Play, Do: Technology, Innovation, and Organization'
Applied Technology and Instrumentation for Process Control /
ISBN 9781591690214 , 2004 , Douglas O J Desa
Cultural politics in a global age: uncertainty, solidarity and innovation
ISBN 9781851685509 , 2008 , Henrietta L. Moore, David Held
Cultural politics in a global age: uncertainty, solidarity and innovation
ISBN 9781851685400 , 2008 , Henrietta L. Moore, David Held
A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium
ISBN 9780262514019 , 2010 , Robert Friedel
Made to Break: Technology and Obsolescence in America
ISBN 9780674022034 , 2009 , Giles Slade
This Stage-Play World: Texts and Contexts, 1580-1625
ISBN 9780192892867 , 1997 , Julia Briggs
Driving Democracy: Do Power-Sharing Institutions Work?
ISBN 9780521694803 , 2008 , Pippa Norris
Process Control Instrumentation Technology
ISBN 9780131976696 , 2006 , Curtis D. Johnson
Science Learning and Instruction: Taking Advantage of Technology to Promote Knowledge Integration
ISBN 9780805860559 , 2011
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
ISBN 9780575079939 , 2007 , Philip K. Dick
Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment
ISBN 9780714646305 , 1995 , Lars Erik Andreasen, Benjamin Coriat,m.fl.
Smart Money Decisions: Why You Do What You Do with Money (and How to Change for the Better)
ISBN 9780471411260 , 2001 , Max H. Bazerman
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
ISBN 9781558604919 , 1998 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization
ISBN 9780262512619 , 2009 , Elaine Svenonius
Adaption-Innovation: In the Context of Diversity and Change
ISBN 9780415298513 , 2003 , M.J. Kirton
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9781421401539 , 2011 , Thomas J. Misa
Applied Industrial Organization: Towards a Theory-Based Empirical Industrial Organization
ISBN 9780792330509 , 1994 , Karl Aiginger, Jorg Finsinger
Material Culture and Technology in Everyday Life: Ethnographic Approaches
ISBN 9781433103018 , 2009 , Phillip Vannini
The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages?
ISBN 9780199550999 , 2008 , Deborah Cameron
Advances in Information Technology and Communication in Health
ISBN 9781586039790 , 2009 , James G. McDaniel
Strategic Management of Science and Technology
ISBN 9780134851600 , 1997 , Bernard W. Taylor, Robin Fears, Joe Anderson
Nova Gramatica Do Portugues Contemporaneo
ISBN 9789729230004 , 2002
Emergence: Complexity & Organization 2006 Anuual
ISBN 9780979168826 , 2007 , Jeffrey A Goldstein, Kurt A Richardson,m.fl.
Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation
ISBN 9781422103135 , 2006 , James P. Andrew, Harold L. Sirkin
Innovation Management: Strategy and Implementation using the Pentathlon Framework, Second Edition
ISBN 9780230205826 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Keith Goffin, Rick Mitchell
Nova gramática do português contemporâneo
ISBN 9788586368486 , 2008
Managing Information Technology
ISBN 9780131293717 , 2005 , Edley Wainright Martin
The Organization of Hypocrisy: Talk, Decisions, and Actions in Organizations
ISBN 9788279350231 , 2002 , Nils Brunsson
Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching
ISBN 9780132091404 , 2009 , M. D. Roblyer, Aaron Herbert. Doering
Science, Technology, and Society: A Sociological Approach
ISBN 9789780631239 , 2005 , Wenda K. Bauchspies, Jennifer Croissant,m.fl.