Søk: 'Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages'
Brethren in adversity: Bishop George Bell, the Church of England and the crisis of German protestantism, 1933-1939
ISBN 9780851156927 , 2005 , George Kennedy Allen Bell, Andrew Chandler
Anglicanism and the Western Christian Tradition: Continuity, Change and the Search for Communion
ISBN 9781853115592 , 2003 , Eamon Duffy, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Stephen Platten,m.fl.
Youth in Society
ISBN 9781412900232 , 2004 , Jeremy Roche, Stan Tucker, Ronny Flynn,m.fl.
The Architecture of Roman Temples: The Republic to the Middle Empire
ISBN 9780521723718 , 2008 , John W. Stamper
Church Mother: The Writings of a Protestant Reformer in Sixteenth-Century Germany
ISBN 9780226979670 , 2006 , Katharina Schutz Zell
In the Society of Nature: A Native Ecology in Amazonia
ISBN 9780521574679 , 1996 , Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach, Jack Goody,m.fl.
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
ISBN 9780387493206 , 2007 , Milan Zafirovski
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages
ISBN 9781840649222 , 2002 , Carlota Pérez
Ancient Taboos And Gender Prejudice: Challenges For Orthodox Women And The Church
ISBN 9780754653448 , 2005 , Leonie Beth Liveris
Crime and Society in England: 1750 - 1900
ISBN 9781405858632 , 2010 , Clive Emsley
The Conservatives and British society, 1880-1990
ISBN 9780708313633 , 1996 , Martin Francis, Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska
The Cassowary's Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society
ISBN 9780226819501 , 1997 , Donald F. Tuzin
A Guide to the Stained Glass Windows in St. Mary and St. Nicolas Church, Spalding
ISBN 9780950942537 , 2008 , Marion Brassington, Roger Seal
Population and Society
ISBN 9781412900652 , 2013 , Paul Williamson, William Gould, Clare Holdsworth,m.fl.
Emotion in social life: the lost heart of society
ISBN 9780761943655 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Emotion in Social Life: The Lost Heart of Society
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Leisure and Society in Colonial Brazzaville
ISBN 9780521524469 , 2002 , David Anderson, Carolyn Brown,m.fl.
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813340487 , 2004 , William L. Cleveland
Warfare and Society in the Barbarian West, c.450-c.900
ISBN 9781857284829 , 1998
A Biblical Text and Its Afterlives: The Survival of Jonah in Western Culture
ISBN 9780521795616 , 2001 , Yvonne M. Sherwood
The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism
ISBN 9780814627785 , 2002 , Juan Maria Laboa, Matthew J. O'Connell,m.fl.
Technological revolutions and financial capital : the dynamics of bubbles and golden ages
ISBN 9781781005323 , 2003 , C. Perez
The Great War for civilisation: the conquest of the Middle East
ISBN 9781841150079 , 2005 , Robert Fisk
The Arab World: Society, Culture and State
ISBN 9780520084278 , 1993 , Halim Barakat
Muslims in Western Europe
ISBN 9780748606177 , 1995 , Jørgen S. Nielsen
Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology
ISBN 9780942299014 , 1990 , Pierre Clastres, Robert Hurley, Abe Stein
Code of Conduct for Healers: Guidance for Those in the Healing Ministry in the Scottish Episcopal Church
ISBN 9781872170107 , 2003 , Dominic Ind, Les Bremner
In the Society of Nature: A Native Ecology in Amazonia
ISBN 9780521411035 , 1994 , Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach, Jack Goody,m.fl.
The West and Islam: Western Liberal Democracy Versus the System of Shura
ISBN 9780415316347 , 2003 , Mishal Al-Sulami
Hermes in the Academy: Ten Years' Study of Western Esotericism at the University of Amsterdam
ISBN 9789056295721 , 2009 , Wouter Hanegraaff, Joyce Pijnenburg