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ISBN 9780131900059 , 2005 , Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn, Albert B. Hakim
A Companion to Analytic Philosophy
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'A Citizen of No Mean City' an Address by Mr. James S. Ewing
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History of Philosophy Volume 1: Greece and Rome
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The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge
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Science of Synthesis: Houben-Weyl Methods of Molecular Transformations
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Voices of Ancient Philosophy: An Introductory Reader
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It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens
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A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists
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Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
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The Science Book: 250 Milestones in the History of Science
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Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction
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Power and Privilege: A Theory of Social Stratification
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Handbook of Social Psychology, Volume 1
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Media and modernity - a social theory of the media
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Makt og byråkrati: essys om politikk og klasse, samfunnsforskning og verdier
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Social Theory of International Politics
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Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology
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Modern Philosophy: An Anthology of Primary Sources
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