Søk: 'Advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction'
Applied Multivariate Statistics With SAS Software, Second Edition + Multivariate Data Reduction and Discrimination with SAS Software Set
ISBN 9780470388051 , 2008 , 2. utgave , Dayanand N. Naik, Ravindra Khattree
Advanced Transport Phenomena
ISBN 9780521635653 , 1999 , John Charles Slattery
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
ISBN 9780133969610 , 1998 , Robert D. Cook, Warren Clarence Young
Adenine Nucleotides in Cellular Energy Transfer and Signal Transduction: UNESCO
ISBN 9783764326739 , 1992 , S. Papa, A. Azzi, J.M. Tager
Seismic data analysis : processing, inversion, and interpretation of seismic data
ISBN 9781560800941 , 2001 , Ozdogan Yilmaz
Digital kompetanse: IKT på 1.-4. årstrinn
ISBN 9788276349313 , 2012 , Geir Winje, Tor Arne Wølner, Terje Høiland
Personal Connections in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780745643328 , 2010 , Nancy K. Baym
Corpus processing for lexical acquisition
ISBN 9780262023924 , 1996 , Bran Boguraev, James Pustejovsky
Advanced Database Indexing
ISBN 9780792377160 , 1999 , Yannis Manolopoulos, Yannis Theodoridis,m.fl.
Advanced Energy Anatomy
ISBN 9781564559173 , 2001 , Caroline M. Myss
Advanced Fighting Folders
ISBN 9781581602869 , 2001 , Michael D. Janich
Advanced Human Nutrition
ISBN 9780849385667 , 1999 , Robert Wildman, Denis M. Medeiros
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
ISBN 9780471199571 , 1999 , F. Albert Cotton, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson,m.fl.
Sammensatte tekster: arbeid med digital kompetanse i skolen
ISBN 9788202278267 , 2009 , Gunnar Liestøl, Gisle Hannemyr, Anders Fagerjord
Digital fotografi i praksis
ISBN 9788277800523 , 2006 , Magnar Fjørtoft
Advanced Experimental Organic Chemistry
ISBN 9788187815990 , 2005 , Ayodhya Singh
Advanced Human Resource Management
ISBN 9788180521935 , 2009 , Dr. S.C. Gupta
Fotografi; utstyr, teknikker, digital fotografering
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Debates in the Digital Humanities
ISBN 9780816677955 , 2012 , Matthew K. Gold
Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Processes
ISBN 9781588293619 , 2006 , Lawrence K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, Nazih K. Shammas
Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures
ISBN 9780387406497 , 2004 , Wodek K. Gawronski
An Advanced Treatise on Fixture Design and Planning
ISBN 9789812560599 , 2004 , Andrew Yeh Chris Nee, Zhen Jun Tao,m.fl.
Digital fotografi i praksis
ISBN 9788277800493 , 2003 , Magnar Fjørtoft
Cognitive Models of Speech Processing: Psycholinguistic and Computational Perspective
ISBN 9780262510844 , 1995
Analysis, Perception and Processing of Spoken Language: Fujisaki's Festchrift
ISBN 9780444817778 , 1997 , K. Hirose
Advanced Business Communications
ISBN 9780324037395 , 2000 , John M. Penrose, Robert W. Rasberry, Bob Myers
Advanced Nunchaku
ISBN 9780897500210 , 1976 , Fumio Demura, Dan Ivan
An introduction to information theory: symbols, signals & noise
ISBN 9780486240619 , 1980 , John Robinson Pierce
Advanced Engineering Dynamics
ISBN 9780080523354 , 1997 , Harry Ronald Harrison, T. Nettleton, H. Harrison
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
ISBN 9780195143720 , 2003 , Roman Solecki, R. Jay Conant