Søk: 'Annual Editions: Educating Exceptional Children 03/04'
Africa Conflict, Peace and Governance Monitor, 2005: An Annual Publication on the State of Governance in Africa
ISBN 9789783693784 , 2005 , m.fl.
Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 14th Annual Symposium, CPM 2003, Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, June 25-27, 2003, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540403111 , 2003 , Edgar Chávez
Children in the digital age: influences of electronic media on development
ISBN 9780275976521 , 2002 , Sandra L. Calvert, Amy B. Jordan,m.fl.
Best Practice Occupational Therapy: In Community Service With Children and Families
ISBN 9781556424564 , 2000 , Winnie Dunn
Data and Applications Security XXIII: 23rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 12-15, 2009, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642030062 , 2009 , Ehud Gudes, Jaideep Vaidya
Acupoint and Trigger Point Therapy for Babies and Children: A Parent's Healing Touch
ISBN 9781594771897 , 2008 , Donna Finando
Children, Families, and Government: Preparing for the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780521481953 , 1996 , Edward Zigler, Nancy Wilson Hall, John Brademas
Ethical Issues in Mental Health Research with Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9780805819533 , 1996 , Celia B. Fisher, Peter Jensen, Hoagwood Kimberly
Safeguarding adults and children with disabilities against abuse : integration of people with disabilities : report
ISBN 9789287149190 , 2002 , Hilary Brown
Foot Soldiers for Democracy: The Men, Women, and Children of the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement
ISBN 9780252076688 , 2009 , Horace Huntley, John W. McKerley
How to Protect Your Children on the Internet: A Roadmap for Parents and Teachers
ISBN 9780275994723 , 2007 , Gregory S. Smith
Children As Consumers: A Psychological Analysis of the Young People's Market
ISBN 9780415185356 , 1998 , Barrie Gunter, Adrian F. Furnham
Research in organizational behavior an annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews
ISBN 9780892321513 , 1981 , L. L. Cummings
Narn i Chîn Húrin: The Tale of the Children of Húrin
ISBN 9780007252237 , 2007 , Christopher Tolkien, J. R. R. Tolkien, Alan Lee
What Do Children Need to Flourish?: Conceptualizing and Measuring Indicators of Positive Development
ISBN 9780387230610 , 2005 , Kristin Anderson Moore, Laura H. Lippman
What Works for Whom?: A Critical Review of Treatments for Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9781593851668 , 2005 , Peter Fonagy, David Cottrell, Jeanette Phillips,m.fl.
Our Overweight Children: What Parents, Schools, And Communities Can Do to Control the Fatness Epidemic
ISBN 9780520246669 , 2005 , Sharon Dalton
Access and Inclusion for Children With Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Let Me in
ISBN 9781853029868 , 2001 , Matthew Hesmondhalgh, Christine Breakey
Involvement of Children & Teacher Style: Insights from an International Study on Experimental Education
ISBN 9789058673428 , 2004 , Ferre Laevers, Ludo Heylen
Genome Informatics 2010: The 10th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB 2010) : Kyoto University, Japan, 26-28 July 2010
ISBN 9781848166578 , 2010 , Minoru Kanehisa, Edda Klipp, Tatsuya Akutsu
The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms Them
ISBN 9780007163939 , 2003 , Elaine N. Aron
Genetic programming: proceedings of the third annual conference, July 22-25, 1998, University of Wisconsin, Madison
ISBN 9781558605480 , 1998 , John R. Koza
A Catalogue of Books for the Library: Comprising a Selection of the Best Editions of Standard Works, by Ancient and Modern Authors, in All Departments of Literature, Science, and Art
ISBN 9781141770946 , 2010 , Henry Sotheran
Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy With Children and Adolescents: The Nuts and Bolts
ISBN 9781572307230 , 2002
Building the Future: Social Work With Children, Young People and Their Families
ISBN 9781903855133 , 2002 , Neil Thompson, Nigel Parton
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 7th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2000, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 14-15, 2000. Proceedings
ISBN 9783540420699 , 2001
Barn, kunst, kunstnere: barns ekspressive språk - Alberto Burris kunstneriske uttrykk
ISBN 9788245009194 , 2010 , Vea Vecchi, Claudia Giudici, Reggio Children,m.fl.
Children, Technology, and Culture: The Impacts of Technologies in Children's Everyday Lives
ISBN 9780415236348 , 2001 , Ian Hutchby Jo Moran-Ellis
Teaching Young Language Learners: An accessible guide to the theory and practice of teaching English to children in primary education.
ISBN 9780194422079 , 2006 , Annamaria Pinter
A Worm in the Teacher's Apple: Protecting America's School Children from Pests And Pesticides
ISBN 9781420839357 , 2005 , C. Lame Marc