Søk: 'Antiquity and Capitalism: Max Weber and the Sociological Foundations of Roman Civilization'
Makt og byråkrati: essys om politikk og klasse, samfunnsforskning og verdier
ISBN 9788205191181 , 1992 , Max Weber
The Roman Forum
ISBN 9781861978059 , 2011 , David Watkin
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406640 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano,m.fl.
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406718 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano,m.fl.
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406688 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano
Compendious Description of the Museums of Ancient Sculpture, Greek and Roman in Vatican Palace
ISBN 9780554406664 , 2008 , Ercole G . Massi Vatica Museo Vaticano
British Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415365215 , 2006
Tissue Economies: Blood, Organs, and Cell Lines in Late Capitalism
ISBN 9780822337706 , 2006 , Catherine Waldby, Robert Mitchell
Economics for everyone: a short guide to the economics of capitalism
ISBN 9780745327501 , 2008 , Jim Stanford
Understanding classical sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim
ISBN 9780803986367 , 1995 , Wes W. Sharrock, Peter J. Martin, J. A. Hughes
Foundations in Microbiology
ISBN 9781259255793 , 2014 , Barry Chess, Kathleen Park Talaro
Four Sociological Traditions
ISBN 9780195082081 , 1994 , Randall Collins
Life and letters on the Roman frontier: Vindolanda and its people
ISBN 9780714122465 , 2004 , Alan K. Bowman
Basic Concepts of Sociology
ISBN 9780806503042 , 1994 , Max Weber
A History of Electricity; (The Intellectual Rise in Electricity) from Antiquity to the Days of Benjamin Franklin
ISBN 9780217769921 , 2012 , Park Benjamin
The End of History and the Last Man
ISBN 9780241960240 , 2012 , Francis Fukuyama
Land Tenure in Village Ceylon: A Sociological and Historical Study
ISBN 9780521053259 , 2008 , Gananath Obeyesekere
A Course in Minimalist Syntax: Foundations and Prospects
ISBN 9780631199878 , 2005 , Howard Lasnik, With:Cedric Boeckx,m.fl.
A Course in Minimalist Syntax: Foundations and Prospects
ISBN 9780631199885 , 2005 , Howard Lasnik, Juan Uriagereka, Cedric Boeckx
Monumentality and the Roman Empire: Architecture in the Antonine Age
ISBN 9780199288632 , 2007 , Edmund Thomas
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072824308 , 2003 , Dr George Ritzer, Douglas J. Goodman
Between Civilization and Barbarism: Women, Nation, and Literary Culture in Modern Argentina
ISBN 9780803231580 , 1992
Encyclopaedia Of World Civilization( Set O2 Vols.)
ISBN 9788187226345 , 2004 , Lynn Thorndike
Interpreting Late Antiquity: Essays on the Postclassical World
ISBN 9780674005983 , 2001 , Glen Warren Bowersock, Peter Robert Lamont Brown,m.fl.
The Mediatization of Culture and Society
ISBN 9780415692373 , 2013 , Prof Stig Hjarvard
Foundations in Microbiology
ISBN 9780071316736 , 2011 , Kathleen P. Talaro, Barry Chess
The Constitution of the Roman Republic
ISBN 9780199261086 , 2003 , Andrew Lintott
Philosophy in the Roman Empire: Ethics, Politics and Society
ISBN 9780754616184 , 2007 , Michael B. Trapp
Cognitive Development, Its Cultural and Social Foundations
ISBN 9780674137325 , 1990 , Aleksandr Romanovich Luria
Catalogue of Casts Part III Greek and Roman Sculpture
ISBN 9780559360626 , 2008 , Edward M. Robinson