Søk: 'Becoming Muslim: Western Women's Conversions to Islam'
Black Women, Cultural Images and Social Policy
ISBN 9780203883167 , 2008
Becoming a strategic leader: your role in your organization's enduring success
ISBN 9780787968670 , 2005
Islam and the West: Conflict Or Cooperation?
ISBN 9781403903587 , 2003 , Amin Saikal
Løs konfliktene på arbeidsplassen
ISBN 9788259025272 , 2001 , Kenneth Cloke, Joan Goldsmith,m.fl.
Buddhist and Glaciers of Western Tibet
ISBN 9788177693485 , 2005 , Giotto Dainelli
Product Management. Donald R. Lehmann, Russell S. Winer
ISBN 9780071238328 , 2004 , Donald R. Lehmann, Russell S. Winer
Caring: Nurses, Women and Ethics
ISBN 9780631202110 , 1997 , Helga Kuhse
The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
ISBN 9780091884208 , 2002 , Ellen Bass, Laura Davis
Classical Greece and the Birth of Western Art
ISBN 9780521618359 , 2008 , Andrew Stewart
Konkurranseregler for foretak i EØS; regelsamling
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En makeløs historie: Dikt
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Makeløs: livet som singel
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Supermamma; slipp henne løs!
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Slipp deg løs, mann
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New directions in Islamic thought: exploring reform and Muslim tradition
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A Spiritual History of the Western Tradition
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Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition
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Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition
ISBN 9780205685196 , 2010 , Penelope J.E. Davies, Frima Fox Hofrichter,m.fl.
Studies in the History of Western Linguistics
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Conduct Literature for Women, 1770-1830
ISBN 9781851968022 , 2005 , Pam Morris
Islam and human rights: tradition and politics
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Norton Anthology of Western Music: The Twentieth Century and After
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Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Dolphin Edition
ISBN 9780618561902 , 2005 , Duane J. Osheim, Barry S. Strauss,m.fl.
Ladies Who Lunge: Celebrating Difficult Women
ISBN 9780868404219 , 2002 , Tara Brabazon
A History of Western Political Thought
ISBN 9780415119627 , 1998 , J. S. McClelland
Islam and Democracy in the Middle East
ISBN 9780801878480 , 2003 , Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, Daniel Brumberg
Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity
ISBN 9780804747684 , 2003 , Talal Asad
Ariadne's thread: writing women into Irish history
ISBN 9781903631423 , 2008 , Margaret MacCurtain, Maureen Murphy
Gender Codes: Why Women Are Leaving Computing
ISBN 9780470597194 , 2010 , Thomas J. Misa
Black Women, Cultural Images and Social Policy
ISBN 9780415884709 , 2010