Søk: 'Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine'
Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science, Sports Injury Prevention
ISBN 9781444303629 , 2009 , Lars Engebretsen
Community Oral Health
ISBN 9781850971627 , 2007 , Cynthia M. Pine, Rebecca Harris
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-Herbal Treatments
ISBN 9780739116456 , 2008 , Herbert C. Covey
Conceptualizing Behaviour in Health and Social Research: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis
ISBN 9781608763832 , 2010 , Said Shahtahmasebi, Dr. Damon Berridge
Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, And Social Interventions
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Environment, health, and population displacement: development and change in Mozambique's diarrhoreal disease ecology
ISBN 9781840143294 , 1998 , Andrew E. Collins
Principles of Pulmonary Medicine
ISBN 9780721695488 , 2003
International Public Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems and Policies
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Medicine in a Multicultural Society: Christian, Jewish and Muslim Practitioners in the Spanish Kingdoms, 1220-1610
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Rubin's Pathology: Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine
ISBN 9781451109122 , 2011 , Raphael Rubin, Rubin Emanuel
Evidence-based practices in mental health: debate and dialogue on the fundamental questions
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Applied laboratory medicine
ISBN 9780721664743 , 1992 , Norbert W. Tietz, Rex B. Conn
Clinical Judgement in the Health and Welfare Professions: Extending the Evidence Base
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Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment
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Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance
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Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation
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The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research
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Traditional Chinese Medicine: Cupping Therapy
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Mini Atlas of Oral Medicine
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Community Organizing and Community Building for Health
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Hse, Introduction to Health, Safety and Environment
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Death: The High Cost of Living
ISBN 9781852864989 , 1994 , Neil Gaiman
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-herbal Treatments
ISBN 9780739116449 , 2007 , Herbert C. Covey
Health 2
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Your Water and Your Health
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Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation, 3e
ISBN 9780781770361 , 2007 , 3. utgave , Kris E. Berg, Richard Wayne Latin
An Introduction to Health Psychology
ISBN 9780273735199 , 2012 , Paul Bennett, Val Morrison
Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Fourth Canadian Edition
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Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service
ISBN 9780273630494 , 1998 , Martin Christopher
Medicine & Surgery: An Integrated Textbook
ISBN 9780443072604 , 2007