Søk: 'Cyberprotest: New Media, Citizens, and Social Movements'
Who owns the media?: competition and concentration in the mass media industry
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Communication And Social Cognition: Theories And Methods
ISBN 9780805853551 , 2007
Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval
ISBN 9780857456533 , 2012 , Bruce Kapferer, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen
Explaining Social Behavior: More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences
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Anthropology and the New Genetics
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Language As Social Action: Social Psychology and Language Use
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Language As Social Action: Social Psychology and Language Use
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Speech and Language Processing: Pearson New International Edition
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Science and Religion: A New Introduction
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Popular Culture, Crime and Social Control
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New Moon
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Entreprenørskap og ledelse i media
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Development and social change: a global perspective
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Media Politics - A Citizen's Guide
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Language, Discourse and Social Psychology
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Social Divisions: Economic Decline and Social Structural Change
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Communication and Empire: Media, Markets, and Globalization, 1860–1930
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Social Theory: Roots and Branches : Readings
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Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures
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Stratification: Social Division and Inequality
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Media Discourse
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The Social Movement Society: Contentious Politics for a New Century
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Social Psychology and Social Psychology Student Access Cards for MyPsychKit
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Analysing Media Texts
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Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice
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