Søk: 'Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography'
Jugendbyen Ã…lesund: the city of Art Nouveau
ISBN 9788291399027 , 1997 , Jiri Havran, Harald Grytten
Card Play Technique: The Art of Being Lucky
ISBN 9780713479164 , 1995 , Victor Mollo, Nico Gardener
Proofs that Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof
ISBN 9780883853337 , 2003 , Arthur T. Benjamin, Jennifer J. Quinn
Medieval Art
ISBN 9780192842411 , 2001
The Robert Lehman Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
ISBN 9780691006987 , 1998 , Charles Sterling, Maryan W. Ainsworth,m.fl.
The Anthropology Art and Cultural Production: Histories, Themes, Perspectives
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Concerning the Spiritual in Art
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Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph: The Art of the Roman Empire AD 100-450
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Christian Iconography: Or, the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages
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Film Art: And Film History
ISBN 9780077116644 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Believing is seeing: creating the culture of art
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Thinking in Jazz: The Infinite Art of Improvisation
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Art of Renaissance Rome, The (Reissue), Perspectives Series
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Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History
ISBN 9781111771157 , 2011 , Helen Gardner, Fred S. Kleiner
The Art of War: The Essential Translation of the Classic Book of Life
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Guanxi (The art of relationships): Microsoft, China, and Bill Gates's plan to win the road ahead
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Vision of Art: How Art Enhances Royal Caribbean Cruise Ships
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How to be a domestic goddess: baking and the art of comfort cooking
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Art Worlds
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Archaic and Classical Greek Art
ISBN 9780192842022 , 1998
American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman
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Concerning the Spiritual in Art
ISBN 9781421903781 , 2005 , Wassily Kandinsky
Concerning the Spiritual in Art
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A house made of light: essays on the art of film
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The Art of the Italian Renaissance: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing
ISBN 9783895080777 , 1995 , Rolf Toman
Computer Security: Art and Science
ISBN 9780201440997 , 2002 , Matt Bishop
The encyclopedia of visual art. Bd. 1-10
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Art of Renaissance Florence, 1400-1600
ISBN 9780520257733 , 2009 , Loren W. Partridge
Art of Renaissance Florence, 1400-1600
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Reference Classic: Secret Language of Art
ISBN 9781844838592 , 2009 , Sarah Carr-Gomm