Søk: 'Digital Design and Basic Electrical Circuits'
Basic Documents and Case Law, 1995-2006
ISBN 9789210567268 , 2008 , m.fl.
Digital and Radiographic Imaging: A Practical Approach
ISBN 9781455725151 , 2008 , Chris Gunn
User Interface Design and Evaluation
ISBN 9780120884360 , 2005 , Debbie Stone, Caroline Jarrett, Mark Woodroffe,m.fl.
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles
ISBN 9780133805918 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Sketching user experiences: getting the design right and the right design
ISBN 9780123740373 , 2007 , Bill Buxton, William Buxton
Basic and Clinical Tumor Immunology
ISBN 9780898385793 , 1983 , Ronald B. Herberman
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
ISBN 9780132143011 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Digital McLuhan
ISBN 9780415192514 , 1999 , Paul Levinson
Basic Environmental Health
ISBN 9780195135589 , 2001 , Annalee Yassi, Tord Kjellstrom, Theo de Kok,m.fl.
Principles of Electric Circuits: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025667 , 2013
Basic Epidemiology
ISBN 9780119515244 , 1993 , Tord Kjellstrom, T. Kjelldstrom,m.fl.
Basic Epidemiology
ISBN 9789241544467 , 1993 , Robert Beaglehole, Ruth Bonita, T. Kjellstram
Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design
ISBN 9780321263544 , 2005 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application
ISBN 9780470015001 , 2009 , Jon G. McGowan, Anthony L. Rogers,m.fl.
Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulations
ISBN 9780470569061 , 2011 , Sara E. Rosenbaum
Requirements Analysis and Systems Design
ISBN 9780321440365 , 2007 , Leszek Maciaszek
Basic Telephone Training: A Basic Course in Telephone Language and Skill
ISBN 9780906717424 , 1992 , Anne Watson-Delestree
Basic Telephone Training: A Basic Course in Telephone Language and Skills
ISBN 9780906717479 , 1992 , Anne Watson-Delestree
Electrical Phenomena in Parallel Conductors, Volume I
ISBN 9781103646135 , 2009 , Frederick Eugene Pernot
Electrical Phenomena in Parallel Conductors, Volume I
ISBN 9781103646173 , 2009 , Frederick Eugene Pernot
Design Research: Methods and Perspectives
ISBN 9780262122634 , 2004 , Brenda Laurel
Advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction
ISBN 9780470094945 , 2006 , Saeed V. Vaseghi
T.B. Of Electrical Technology Vol Iv (M.E.)
ISBN 9788121926676 , 2006 , B.L. Theraja, R. S. Sedha
A High-precision Multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomograph: ACT 4: Rensselaer's 4th Generation Electrical Impedance Tomograph
ISBN 9783639096903 , 2008 , Ning Liu
Broadband Circuits for Optical Fiber Communication
ISBN 9780471712336 , 2005 , Eduard Säckinger
Communication systems: an introduction to signals and noise in electrical communication
ISBN 9780071263320 , 2009
Oxford English for electrical and mechanical engineering: Student's book
ISBN 9780194573948 , 1995 , Norman Glendinning, Eric Hunter Glendinning
Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Student's Book
ISBN 9780194573924 , 1995 , Eric H. Glendinning, Norman Glendinning
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780131365667 , 2010 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
Modern Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780135094891 , 2010 , Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George